downsizing DVD movies

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  • G16aByT3
    • Dec 2001
    • 51


    Thanks for the help!!! I will have to try it and let you know my results.

    levystr pm me if you want it.



    • G16aByT3
      • Dec 2001
      • 51


      Does VFAPI create small AVI files from the VOB files? I have 8GB of files and it created a 16MB file????? Does the this work under XP or am I missing something?



      • TedRogers
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2001
        • 14


        vfapi creates a farty little file (little grey camera, i think) - just drag and drop into cce.




        • G16aByT3
          • Dec 2001
          • 51


          are you using CCE-lite or pro or SP. Wouldnt it be better to use VBR instead of CBR?? if you have SP could we talk?


          Last edited by G16aByT3; 2 Jan 2002, 10:45 AM.


          • Taurus
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2002
            • 1

            Hi All,
            I' m in the same boat. Thanks for the instruction. I finished up to the step Cinema Craft Encoder. But I don't have spruce or scenarist. Anythings else could I use to replace its? Thanks
            Last edited by Taurus; 24 Jan 2002, 02:22 PM.


            • tonyf2001
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2002
              • 6

              I dont think a 9.4g disk will do the trick. They appear to be double
              sided , so unless the software allows you to stop partway through a burn and turn the disk you still have a problem.
              The only way I can think of is to find a way of removing unwanted
              video section. etc . Foreign language clips and the like until
              the vob is of a manageable size. Anyone?



              • G16aByT3
                • Dec 2001
                • 51

                Thanks for the offer Taurus as I've just gotten it. Now since a movie can be in excess of 4.7GB then you have 4 alternatives.

                1) re-encode the DVD to slower bitrates to make smaller files and then use a DVD authoring program to accept those files and try to keep the menuing the same.

                2) re-encode the DVD and split them to 2 DVDs, but you will have to recreate the menuing system so that it works.

                3) split the DVDs into 2 DVDs and just recreate the menues for them.

                4) cut all of the extras and what nots out of the DVD and just include the movie. You still have to create a menu or just an auto-run to the movie.

                Right now, I am just experimenting and learning what needs to be done. Thanks goes to TedRogers for the big help there.

                Last edited by G16aByT3; 4 Jan 2002, 04:52 AM.


                • levystr
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 10


                  Thanks for spruceup dvd maestro.
                  Very great software,but for the moment ,i learn how use all of
                  No limitations with 5.1 files.


                  • TedRogers
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2001
                    • 14


                    You're Welcome


                    • ilscuro
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2002
                      • 23

                      Tonyf2001 use dvddecryptor steam processing feature then just deselect all the foreign language and subtitle streams and start ripping
                      using this method you will find a lot of movies come out under 4.3gb

                      You reap what you sew
                      you reap what you sew


                      • xDJx KinetiX
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Aug 2002
                        • 8

                        can i use a different dvd authoring program?

                        do i have to use spruce to burn the dvd? can i use DVDit PE?


                        • ilscuro
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Aug 2002
                          • 23

                          use spruceup dvdit or maestro to author and nero to burn
                          you reap what you sew


                          • CGreenlawMD
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Dec 2001
                            • 4

                            down sizing DVD's greater than 4.7 gig

                            I use three methods to reduce the size of larger DVD's. If the DVD isn't extremely large and has two channel english sound, I use SmartRipper and process just the video and sound to AC3 and mpv files then I use DVDit (not LE) to burn the DVD. If the movie is much to large for this, I simply capture the DVD playing directly from my stand-a-lone DVD player to my RadionVideo capture into MPEG2 files and burnit in DVDit. I also have purchased Dazzle DVD Creation Station 200 which has a built in MPEG2 decoder chip which is fast. However, the capture program that goes with this device is difficult to figure out. You can capture into the programs (DVD Complete & Movie Star 5) but then your not utilizing the MPEG2 decoder chip and the quality isn't as good and many times can't keep up with the movie despite the fact I'm using an AMD 2200 processor, 1 gig of ram and GeForce video.


                            • CGreenlawMD
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Dec 2001
                              • 4

                              Downside of Dazzle DVD creation station 200 and DVDit prof

                              I forgot to mention two important aspects of DVD creation station 200 and DVDit prof, in the former if you play the ripped DVD from any player to capture it in another computer, it is displayed with a boarder which I don't think can be removed. With respect to DVDit pro, when you produce the AC3 file, it has to be 2 channel as it can not produce a DVD using a 6 channel AC3 file. A lot of DVD's don't seem to have 2 channel English files other than comment files.


                              • ilscuro
                                Junior Member
                                Junior Member
                                • Aug 2002
                                • 23

                                For those who dont have hardware encoder cards the easist and quickest way is to CCE use min bitrate set to zero in cce and max set to whatever is needed to get a specified output size (use tmpgenc to work out file size needed). for example do a 3 pass encode set minimum to 0 maximum to 8000 and average to 2000 (or whatever to get your specified output size) and let cce crunch away final file will be around 1.5 meg so you could get 2 or3 films on a dvdr and its very hard to notice any difference from original film.
                                i use new cce ver2.66 which lets me frameserve from virtualdub
                                you reap what you sew

