I need a calculator to figure out the compression ratio on ReMPEG2
I have tried to install FukNCalc
The install failed, and it obviously won't work.
I am running WinXP
Is there a special proceedure, or required software to do the install?
Is there another program I can use to calculate.
I need to ReMPEG Minority Report, my VOBs, Ifos, and Bups are 6.32 GB (6,795,382,784 bytes) according to WinXP properties.
I want to put them on one DVD-R
What ratio should I use?
I have tried to install FukNCalc
The install failed, and it obviously won't work.
I am running WinXP
Is there a special proceedure, or required software to do the install?
Is there another program I can use to calculate.
I need to ReMPEG Minority Report, my VOBs, Ifos, and Bups are 6.32 GB (6,795,382,784 bytes) according to WinXP properties.
I want to put them on one DVD-R
What ratio should I use?