EXpert advice needed

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  • Frodo Skywalker
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2003
    • 33

    EXpert advice needed

    After all the problems i had with svcd, I've decided to move to DVD. I got a burner and now I need good authoring tools.

    1. Which author tool (in your opinion) is the best. I use avi and mov files for most of my stuff.

    2. Which encoder should I use to turn wav into AC3?

    thanks in advance

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "Which encoder should I use to turn wav into AC3?"

    Sonic Foundry's SoftEncode - if you can find it...


    • Frodo Skywalker
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2003
      • 33

      Ah, my friend, how are you? DO you have a author tool you prefer? I've got IFOedit, Spruce up and Ulead DVD workshop, but I cant tell which is best.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        DVD Wise - again, if you can find it ;>}


        • Frodo Skywalker
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2003
          • 33

          thanks, I'll go hunt for it


          • techno
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Nov 2001
            • 1309

            try using instant CD-DVD or DVD2ONE to burn DVD's (if this is what u meant by authoring)


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              To techno

              1) DVD2ONE is NOT authoring software

              2) If you'd bother to carefully read Frodo Skywalker's initial post:
              "I use avi and mov files for most of my stuff." - you wouldn't post such nonsense...


              • techno
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Nov 2001
                • 1309

                no need to be a little bit cheeky Setarip, no idea what has gone wrong with your attitude since the last year now.

                I thought he meant authoring as in burning!

                if this is what u meant by authoring
                2) obviously considering the person *MAY* have knowledge to convert the source files to MPEG 2 (DVD format), then burning it to DVD! or using the built in encoder (IF IT HAS ONE) to convert it to DVD format

                Setarip, there is no need to turn on against me, or anyone else for that matter, just calm down!

                Sure, u may have all the posts, and a good amount of stars, but that does not neccesarily mean u have ALL the knowledge in the world, I don't, I don't blab about it, and I am sure neither do u, but the impressions I am getting from your posts seems that you are trying to give that impression.

                Posts does NOT neccessarily mean that you have ALL the knowledge, no it does not.

                Just plz, CALM DOWN!


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  To tech-NO

                  If all you are going to do is post erroneous and/or misleading responses to earnest questions - and then rambling, nonsensical diatribes when you're taken to task for doing so - perhaps you just shouldn't post at all.

                  Additionally, your "tagalong" postings, "congratulating" or agreeing with other posters (particularly moderators) smack openly of "brown-nosing"and ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT VALUE.

                  Just as a side note - I am VERY calm. You, on the other hand...

                  In other parts of these forums, you'll find other similar followups to your other erroneous postings and subsequent whining.

                  Have a nice day ;>}

                  P.S. From this point forward, I'll ignore any additional pointless retorts - they're just not worth my time or the bandwidth...


                  • techno
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 1309

                    Setarip, I am very calm, but certainly u are not and I do not do what u do, do wasteless postings!

                    "let us know of ur success"

                    or other things like that (can't quite find the link yet...)

                    you are nothing but starting to cause trouble here, and it is up to me if I should post or not, not u. I am simply trying to help here, unlike u, u may like to help, but u also like to leave a trail of trouble in some threads, like this one.

                    Clearly, we know who is in the right here.

                    u can clearly see who is starting trouble, CERTAINLY not me.

                    at least I do have some fans and grow nearly everyday and I respect and appreciate that ppl do like my advice.

                    have a good day and don't start trouble.

                    play safe!


                    • beaniiman
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Jun 2002
                      • 6

                      ARE YOU TWO MARRIED?? GEE Whiz.

                      To the question:

                      I use Spruce up a lot because of its good features and ease of use, but I'm not sure if it can convert video files, I dont think it can.

                      I have been using Cyberlink Power Director for that task. I just got it and it seems pretty good.

                      Hope this helps,


