Started off with a home build computer and I installed the pinnacle DV500 card and adobe premiere 5.1c. Managed to capture from my VCR about 90 minutes of home movies from vhs tape. So far everything is working fine. There are 20 files of ~2GB for the movies. The format is as follows:
File path: D:\Movie Project\Slides\s10.avi
File size: 2.06G bytes
Total duration: 611.24 seconds
Average data rate: 3.45M per second
Image size: 720 x 480
Pixel depth: 24 bits
Frame rate: 29.97 fps
Audio: 48Khz - 16 bit - Stereo
File details:
Contains 1 video track(s) and 1 audio track(s).
Video track 1:
Total duration is 611.24 seconds
Size is 1996.31M bytes (Minimum/average/maximum frame size = 0.00/106.50/118.00K bytes).
This movie appears to have DROPPED FRAMES.
There are 17444 keyframes, 875 delta frames.
There are 875 empty frames.
Frame rate is 29.97 fps
Frame size is 720 x 480
Depth is 24 bits.
Compressor:' Pinnacle Systems DV Codec'
Audio track 1:
Duration is 611.24 seconds
Size is 111.92M bytes
Rate is 48000 samples/sec, stereo
Sample size is 16 bits
I then bought pinnacle express s/w to generate a DVD.
It could only handle 5 files of 2GB each for a 90 minute DVD.
So that would mean 4 DVD’s of 90 minutes each for a total of 6 hour viewing from my original 90-minute vhs tape.
When I try to use adobe premiere to generate an mpeg2 file (compression???), I get an error message that the disc is full. Plenty of space, even tried defragmenting – all to no avail.
So I needed a DVD burner and after some hands on experimenting at the computer stores
I decided on a Sony vaio with a Pioneer DVR- A03 with DVDit and adobe premiere 6.0
Networked the 20 avi 2GB files to the Sony vaio.
After upgrading to DVDit Professional edition 2.5 so that it would accept avi files, same problem. DVDit can only write 5 files of 2GB each for a 90 minute DVD. Help support totally inadequate.
Possible options:
1) Buy a Dazzle external box, hook VCR to box and recapture 90-minute vhs movie. Buy MGI video wave 5.0 and pray.
2) Buy camcorder with RCA jack and white & red audio jacks and 1394 connector and connect to Sony vaio 1394 connection and recapture 90-minute vhs movie and pray.
3) Try divd and see if it that can convert the avi files to mpeg files with enough compression to bypass the size & time limitations that I’m encountering with pinnacle express and DVDit.
So here I sit
Tried to burn
But only coasted.
Any help to get pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
File path: D:\Movie Project\Slides\s10.avi
File size: 2.06G bytes
Total duration: 611.24 seconds
Average data rate: 3.45M per second
Image size: 720 x 480
Pixel depth: 24 bits
Frame rate: 29.97 fps
Audio: 48Khz - 16 bit - Stereo
File details:
Contains 1 video track(s) and 1 audio track(s).
Video track 1:
Total duration is 611.24 seconds
Size is 1996.31M bytes (Minimum/average/maximum frame size = 0.00/106.50/118.00K bytes).
This movie appears to have DROPPED FRAMES.
There are 17444 keyframes, 875 delta frames.
There are 875 empty frames.
Frame rate is 29.97 fps
Frame size is 720 x 480
Depth is 24 bits.
Compressor:' Pinnacle Systems DV Codec'
Audio track 1:
Duration is 611.24 seconds
Size is 111.92M bytes
Rate is 48000 samples/sec, stereo
Sample size is 16 bits
I then bought pinnacle express s/w to generate a DVD.
It could only handle 5 files of 2GB each for a 90 minute DVD.
So that would mean 4 DVD’s of 90 minutes each for a total of 6 hour viewing from my original 90-minute vhs tape.
When I try to use adobe premiere to generate an mpeg2 file (compression???), I get an error message that the disc is full. Plenty of space, even tried defragmenting – all to no avail.
So I needed a DVD burner and after some hands on experimenting at the computer stores
I decided on a Sony vaio with a Pioneer DVR- A03 with DVDit and adobe premiere 6.0
Networked the 20 avi 2GB files to the Sony vaio.
After upgrading to DVDit Professional edition 2.5 so that it would accept avi files, same problem. DVDit can only write 5 files of 2GB each for a 90 minute DVD. Help support totally inadequate.
Possible options:
1) Buy a Dazzle external box, hook VCR to box and recapture 90-minute vhs movie. Buy MGI video wave 5.0 and pray.
2) Buy camcorder with RCA jack and white & red audio jacks and 1394 connector and connect to Sony vaio 1394 connection and recapture 90-minute vhs movie and pray.
3) Try divd and see if it that can convert the avi files to mpeg files with enough compression to bypass the size & time limitations that I’m encountering with pinnacle express and DVDit.
So here I sit
Tried to burn
But only coasted.
Any help to get pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
