TitleWriter1.4 Titles>>Settop

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  • sirgawain123
    • Aug 2003
    • 62

    FallenAngel: defective titlewrited ifos

    As for the private message i sent you, here is atached another DVDshrinked and titlewrited defective ifo file.
    I must be doing something wrong (although cannot think what)
    Maybe I have a clue: As I have been playing with DVDShrink and Titlewriter, may be the problem arises on DVDShrinking a titlewrited file.

    Busy week coming, I will report when i have time to investigate further.
    Compliments for your proggie


    • sirgawain123
      • Aug 2003
      • 62

      i forgot the files

      i forgot the files
      Attached Files


      • FallenAngel
        Digital Video Specialist
        Digital Video Specialist
        • Jun 2003
        • 816

        Okay Heres what I've figured out.
        The BKP (pre Titlewriter VIDEO_TS.IFO) file is totally screwed up - Amazed It Plays at all. It shows 23 titlesets only 2 subtables. Sector boundarys are all screwed up. Ifoedit just dorked - won't even open past the filename.
        My proggie assumes that sector numbers and sector count are right. So its rewriting ifo using bad info. And just making a bad ifo worse - Total Chaos .

        Your problem stems earlier then titlewriter - perhaps in trying to reauthor to 1 titleset - then reduce credits to stills. (For the life of me can't think why you would want to do that - just lop the credits off)

        Just reauthored another 2 dvd's to movie only and titlewrite'd again no probs here. Added a sony single play to the dvd testing loop and no problems playing there.


        • sirgawain123
          • Aug 2003
          • 62

          Originally posted by FallenAngel
          trying to reauthor to 1 titleset - then reduce credits to stills. (For the life of me can't think why you would want to do that - just lop the credits off)

          usually, I just cut off the credits if i'm trying to get the best recompression ratio. BUt in Pirates of the Caribbean, after the credits,there is one short scene with the little ape jumping into the gold coins.

          Still cant figure what i did iot to get those scrambled ifo's. I only use dvdshrink.( now, titlewriter also)


          • FallenAngel
            Digital Video Specialist
            Digital Video Specialist
            • Jun 2003
            • 816

            On Carribean I just whacked off everything but the last scene then shrunk. Then reshrunk whacking off everything from credits on and adding prior 1 scene shrink - presto smooth transition to last scene without the crap in the middle


            • sirgawain123
              • Aug 2003
              • 62

              i'll recheck if the soundtrack playing over the credits is worth keeping )


              • sirgawain123
                • Aug 2003
                • 62

                Mystery solved: Dont DVDshrink what you have Titlewrited

                Got time to do some test.

                DVDShrink 3.1.7.beta5 iot to reproduce.

                DVDShrinked (fulldisk)..played with ifoedit
                titlewrited.......played with ifoedit
                DVDShrinked (reauthor to main title only)......refuses to play.

                DVDTEXT is lost,and tables are empty.

                Conclusion: dont shrink a titlewrited movie.
                here i atach the ifos in sequence. extract using path info in zip
                Best regards


                • sirgawain123
                  • Aug 2003
                  • 62

                  once again, here comes atachment

                  here it is
                  Attached Files


                  • FallenAngel
                    Digital Video Specialist
                    Digital Video Specialist
                    • Jun 2003
                    • 816

                    Sorry - Not solved -But a definite pointer in the direction.

                    Anytime you reauthor in shrink you lose the textdata segment plus contents of other segments this happens from any source. What bothers me about this is that the third didn't play. At first glance it looks happy - need to dig deeper. Did IFOEDIT player hang or kick an error message.

                    Try GetVTS sectors on third as is - see if it then plays
                    then titlewrite third and try to play - if no play Getvts again -see if it plays

                    Are you using a Spanish Ver of shrink -perhaps something to do with the fact I used an English template with Spanish and shrink doesn't care for that.

                    Followed same steps as you did on Lion on commercial disk Colors - each step played in IfoEdit without GetVts sectors fine
                    Titledwrited last step again played fine

                    Followed same steps as you did on Lion on commercial disk LOR - each step played in IfoEdit without GetVts sectors fine. Titlewrited last step again played fine
                    Last edited by FallenAngel; 17 Mar 2004, 01:38 AM.


                    • sirgawain123
                      • Aug 2003
                      • 62

                      Originally posted by FallenAngel

                      Try GetVTS sectors on third as is - see if it then plays
                      then titlewrite third and try to play - if no play Getvts again -see if it plays

                      Are you using a Spanish Ver of shrink -perhaps something to do with the fact I used an English template with Spanish and shrink doesn't care for that.

                      1. I'll try GetVTS on third and come with results

                      2. no, i used English ver of DvdShrink as ver. 3.n.n have not yet been translated

