How to make new Music Soundtrack on DVD

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  • cyrano
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 40

    How to make new Music Soundtrack on DVD

    I used to enjoy putting my own musical soundtracks on Silent movies. Nosferatu and Phantom of The Opera being two I enjoyed getting creative with. It was easy to do in the analog world of SVHS decks. But now with DVDs I find it less straight forward.
    Can someone direct me to a thread (I searched) or a link that might help. Is there specific software that would help?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank You.
    Last edited by cyrano; 3 Aug 2004, 12:35 PM.
    - Mike
  • megamachine
    Video Fiddler
    • Mar 2003
    • 681

    Sounds like fun, and I love doing stuff like that, too. It`s not that difficult, but requires a few steps. First, you have to "rip" the DVD to your HDD. For this, you can use DVD Decrypter or Smart Ripper (both freeware and available in the downloads section). That will give you some VOB files, which are a type of MPEG-2 file. You have to separate the video and audio streams, the jargon for which is to "demux" them. I believe you can do that in the above programs while ripping, but if not then use something called DVD2AVI after ripping. I`m assuming you already have a way to get your new music track on the PC, so then it`s a simple matter of "muxing" (i.e. multiplex) the new audio with the silent video, for which there are a number of tools available. Then just burn your new movie. Hope this is enough to get you started, and please write if you want more advice on this.


    • cyrano
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2004
      • 40

      Thanks a lot for your advice. I've been working with DVDDecrypter and DVDShrink. I also have DVD2AVI but I haven't done anything with it yet.
      I guess for syncing the sound with the film I just have to do trial and error on a rewriteable.

      Thanks again, any further advice is appreciated.
      - Mike


      • megamachine
        Video Fiddler
        • Mar 2003
        • 681

        If you want to sync a sound track, or construct one to precisely fit the video, you might need a more sophisticated editing suite. I`ve done a few projects with Ulead Media Studio and have been very happy, but a lot of people prefer Adobe Premiere, which I found a bit too cumbersome for the type of work I wanted to do. You could also compose to a time track, and add the music in later using the above method. Probably best to mess around at this point and see what works best for your interests.


        • cyrano
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2004
          • 40

          Thanks. I do have some Ulead software. And some others that came with my DVD writer.
          I like your Metropolis gif. I am one of those who likes (a lot) the Moroder version of Metropolis. I think the music is excellent. However, on the laserdisc (I rented two copies and bought one - all the same) the sound was out of sync for the first fifteen minutes. (The clock and the whistles really told the syncopation.) I copied it to an SVHS deck and corrected the sync. It really is timed exactly.
          The correct sync starts in right after the part where Freder runs out of his father's office and down the stairs to his friend.

          I also enjoy the new KINO DVD Metropolis. I know the Moroder version leaves a large part of the back story out, but it really is good. (IMO)

          "Here She Comes - Here She Comes" Yeah, gotta watch it again soon. My wife and I have an Infocus X1 (for a year now) and I just hope it looks okay LARGE

          Thanks again.

          Edit: I may have posted this Metropolis info in the past. Sorry for the repetition. Now I just need to transfer my SVHS Metropolis ccopy to DVD. A slow but worthy project.
          Last edited by cyrano; 6 Aug 2004, 12:50 AM.
          - Mike

