Sound and Video Sync Problem

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  • DarthJango
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 27

    Sound and Video Sync Problem

    I have been trying to burn Lord of the Rings onto a DVD but whenever I try to convert the file from avi to mpg2 the sync gets messed up. When I downloaded the movie it was in the parts. I joined all three files together using Virtual Dub to make 1 single avi file. The whole movie was in perfect sync when in avi format but after I converted it to mpg2 format it lost sync after the section where I had joined the first and second files together when they were in avi format and the 3rd part of the movie is way off sync. To convert the avi to mpg2 format I used TMPGEnc. Will mpg2 files work with Virtual Dub like avi files do? If so I could convert the 3 files to mpg2 first and try joining them together.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "Will mpg2 files work with Virtual Dub like avi files do?"

    No. Virtual dub will DIRECTLY only accept .AVI and MPEG1 formats for input.

    If you still have your original downloaded files, use them with TMPGEnc and create a separate VCD CD-R for each one - that way you'll avoid the out of synch problem that you've encountered.


    • DarthJango
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2002
      • 27

      Is there any way I can join the 3 files and not have the sync problem. Why would the avi file be in sync and the mpg file not be?


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        You're going to wind up with three CD-rs anyway - so why go seeking trouble? Why join them in order to split them???


        • DarthJango
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2002
          • 27

          I've already burned the movie to DVD just to so if it would play, and it does. I just thought there would be a way so that I could put the whole movie in one file without the sync problem and have it all on 1 disc so that I don't have to keep changing CDs.


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            My apologies - I overlooked your initial statement that you wanted to burn it to DVD (and not CD-Rs). Can you not burn three separate MPEG2 "tracks" to a DVD (This is not really an area with which I'm that well acquainted)?

            If not, I'd suggest that rather than first joining them as .AVIs under VirtualDub, first create three MPEG2 files and then join them under TMPGEnc.

