Need to make a video? On a DVD? (I'm a newbie)

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  • DBZMBrolly
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2004
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    Need to make a video? On a DVD? (I'm a newbie)

    Hi. I'm new to the DVD environment and have never done anything like this. I have several home made movies that are in avi format and would like to play them on the TV through a DVD player. I dont know what do. The movies will not fit on regular CD's so VCDs wont be helpful.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Does your system include a DVD burner?


    • DBZMBrolly
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2004
      • 9

      um.. no but I use one that is on a network in my house. Which is as equally good as if I had it on my computer.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        One set of procedures (other posters may/probably will suggest alternative methods) would be:

        1) Use "TMPGEnc" (or "TMPGEncPlus") to convert the .AVI (DivX-compressed or otherwise) to compliant MPEG2-for-DVD format - Use "TMPGEnc's" DVD wizard/template to accomplish this

        2) Use "TMPGEnc DVD Author" (a different program than "TMPGEnc") to easily create the required additional DVD files and structure (and chapters and a menu, if you wish)

        **If the combined filesize of the DVD "package" written to your hard drive is greater than 4.37Gb, use DVD Shrink (or similar) to compress

        If your O/S is either Win2000 or WinXP, TMPGEnc DVD Author can also burn your DVD. Otherwise, use NERO to burn in "DVD-Video" mode
        (As an alternative to "TMPGEnc DVD Author", you could use "DVDLab")

        Let us know of your success ;>}


        • DBZMBrolly
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2004
          • 9

          Well. I have used the program which u told me about TEMPGENC to create the mpg1 thing but its only 1 file. Also when it askes me for what I want to create I click on the NTSC (or something similar) under the DVD section and select the MPEG1. Then it asks me to put the file of the the movie then it wants audio and it doesnt allow the movie file to be put in there. The format of the movie once it was finished .. doing its thing was .m2v
          Thanks again for the prompt responses and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you guys again.


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            Me: "Use "TMPGEnc" (or "TMPGEncPlus") to convert the .AVI (DivX-compressed or otherwise) to compliant MPEG2-for-DVD format - Use "TMPGEnc's" DVD wizard/template to accomplish this"

            You: " have used the program which u told me about TEMPGENC to create the mpg1 thing but its only 1 file."

            You should NOT have created an MPEG-1 file first

            You: "Then it asks me to put the file of the the movie then it wants audio and it doesnt allow the movie file to be put in there. The format of the movie once it was finished .. doing its thing was .m2v"

            You probably did NOT change the settings to create a MULTIPLEXED MPEG-2 file. Therefore, you should have an ".M2V" file (videostream) and a ".WAV" file (audiostream) - Both of which should be input into "TMPGEnc DVD Author" (Different than "TMPGEnc")...


            • DBZMBrolly
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Oct 2004
              • 9

              The TMPGEnc program has a place where it says, under "file> MPEG Tools> then there is a tab called Multiplex. A drop down window lets me select both of the MPG-2 Program (VBR) and MPG-2 Super VideoCD (VBR). I'm not sure wich I'm supposed to select, but even if I select either it doesnt allow me to add my .avi file to that. It only supports .mpg .mpeg .m2p .m1v .m2v. I apologize making you respond several times but I must restate again that I'm a newbie at this (and there is alot things that I dont know).
              Since you said to use the Project Wizard I did but it does not have the MPG-2 option on any of the drop down windows under the DVD checkbox. Thanks alot for your time.


                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2004
                • 1

                I was reading your post and I thought I would offer my services to you. I started a company that converts VHS to DVD. I can convert most anything into a digital format including, music tapes, vinyl records, etc.. I have the highest quality equipment. If you convert your own AVI or VHS to DVD, it would be a very time consuming, costly, and somewhat difficult process.
                For more information please visit my web site at:

                Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.
                I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

                Brandon Seil


                • admin
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 8964

         I hope that not all of your posts will be to advertise your website, as that would be against forum rules (rule 12):

                  Feel free to put the link of your site in your signature, but your posts must be more informative than just some ad for your website.
                  Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


                  • setarip
                    • Dec 2001
                    • 24955

                    To DBZMBrolly

                    As I stated previously, you should have an ".M2V" file (videostream) and a ".WAV" file (audiostream) - Both of which should be input into "TMPGEnc DVD Author" (Different than "TMPGEnc")...

                    (My reference to "multiplexing" had nothing to do with you using "TMPGEnc's" "MPEGTools". Feel free to ignore it ;>})

