How do I cut out parts of a movie?

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  • Graffix
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2005
    • 26

    How do I cut out parts of a movie?

    For example, in the Star Wars movies I want to cut out the beginning where it has the words floating off into space. Its not part of the menus or extras. So, I was wondering if its possible, if so what program should I use to do it?
  • BSpielbauer
    • Jun 2005
    • 66

    Originally Posted by Graffix
    For example, in the Star Wars movies I want to cut out the beginning where it has the words floating off into space. Its not part of the menus or extras. So, I was wondering if its possible, if so what program should I use to do it?
    There are actually quite a few programs that can do this.

    One popular one that can do this easily would be DVDShrink (freeware). the program's main purpose is to compress, to save space. However, it is also a terrific ripping program, and one can easily choose to "reauthor" a movie, and edit out sequences at the beginnings and ends of movies, or also at the beginnings and ends of chapters. (Even though the program's name implies compression, or "shrinking," you do not HAVE to compress, if you wish not to lose any video quality).



    • 2COOL
      Kamen Moderator V3
      • Aug 2003
      • 2059

      Originally Posted by Graffix
      For example, in the Star Wars movies I want to cut out the beginning where it has the words floating off into space. Its not part of the menus or extras.
      Why you want to do that? That's a Star Wars trademark. Well anyways, another method is to do some pre-processing with VobBlanker.
      2CL C Henshin!
      If you got a dollar for everytime someone called you ugly, you'd be a "ugly" millionaire.±


      • Graffix
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • May 2005
        • 26

        Originally Posted by BSpielbauer
        There are actually quite a few programs that can do this.

        One popular one that can do this easily would be DVDShrink (freeware). the program's main purpose is to compress, to save space. However, it is also a terrific ripping program, and one can easily choose to "reauthor" a movie, and edit out sequences at the beginnings and ends of movies, or also at the beginnings and ends of chapters. (Even though the program's name implies compression, or "shrinking," you do not HAVE to compress, if you wish not to lose any video quality).

        I know you can use DVD Shrink in re-author mode to cut-out menus and stuff but it can't edit out parts of the actual movie. I'll try Vobblanker like 2COOL suggested. Thanks.


        • Taelon
          Digital Video Specialist
          Digital Video Specialist
          • Sep 2005
          • 887

          Actually Shrink can easily cut off the beginning and/or end credits in Re-Author mode.

          Start Here!
          DVD Shrink for Dummies Guide
          Search the Incredible Knowledgebases
          DVD Shrink FAQ's - DVD Decrypter FAQ's
          Eliminate CRC & Read Errors
          Cleaning & Polishing Guide

          Advanced DVD Reauthoring Essentials
          PgcEdit v6.1 - Muxman - PgcDemux - VobBlanker v2.0.1


          • ger@co
            Shrinkslinger, movie only
            • Feb 2004
            • 843

            Originally posted by Graffix
            Shrink in re-author mode to cut-out menus and stuff but it can't edit out parts of the actual movie.
            You can if you use the "Start/End" feature which is available in Re-author mode. Read ddlooping's tutorial in here. The tutorial was made using an older version of Shrink, but the result is the same.

            ger@co rulez "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins). The Silence of the Lambs.


            • 2COOL
              Kamen Moderator V3
              • Aug 2003
              • 2059


              Originally Posted by ger@co
              You can if you use the "Start/End" feature which is available in Re-author mode.
              If you are keeping menus, Vobblanker is the way to go. Keep in mind though that if you are cutting out complete chapters, you may mess up your chapter selection menu.

              If not, use DVD Shrink.
              2CL C Henshin!
              If you got a dollar for everytime someone called you ugly, you'd be a "ugly" millionaire.±


              • Graffix
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • May 2005
                • 26

                Hey thanks alot for all the help. I didn't know that you could do that with Shrink. Now I do. Also I successfully did it with VobBlanker. Thanks again.


                • 2COOL
                  Kamen Moderator V3
                  • Aug 2003
                  • 2059

                  Originally Posted by Graffix
                  Also I successfully did it with VobBlanker. Thanks again.
                  2CL C Henshin!
                  If you got a dollar for everytime someone called you ugly, you'd be a "ugly" millionaire.±

