Is anyone else using DVD Remake Pro?

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  • ajp
    Platinum Member
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    • Mar 2005
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    Originally Posted by jsoto
    IMHO, this is the point. I never played it DVDRemake, but seems very easy to novice users. As a drawback, they won't learn the DVD internal things (but, probably they are not interested in)
    This is very true. It is also nice as it has an easy to use interface unlike other programs. I used VobBlanker in the past to blank out extras.

    Originally Posted by jsoto
    This feature is also in VobBlanker, even with custom bmps, but IMHO the winner here (in terms of easy to use) is menushrink.
    It is also nice to have everything all in one program.


    • dimad
      • Nov 2003
      • 57

      Originally Posted by jsoto
      IMHO, this is the point. I never played it DVDRemake, but seems very easy to novice users. As a drawback, they won't learn the DVD internal things (but, probably they are not interested in)
      Exactly, but I don't think it is a drawback. Naturally one can edit DVDs using hex-editor (actually before MenuEdit appeared some people used hex-editor to remove menu buttons! ) but is it the goal? I think a good tool should expose just enough info to do the task(s) its indended for and must provide some abstraction level. In many cases it is not easy to find a "golden mean". Say design and implementation of DvdReMake Pro interface took at least 3/4 of whole development time. And still there are few things that probably may have been done better.
      DvdReMake & MenuEdit - tools for customized dvd backups (


      • dimad
        • Nov 2003
        • 57

        Originally Posted by drfsupercenter
        Dimad, is there a way to buy a CD-ROM version, preferrably in a store? Or is it from your site only?
        Sorry, it can be only downloaded from
        DvdReMake & MenuEdit - tools for customized dvd backups (


        • drfsupercenter
          NOT an online superstore
          • Oct 2005
          • 4424

          Oh well, what a shame... I do not have a credit card. My parents do, but they like sticking to for buying things. I will at least get the trial but cannot say whether or not I will buy the program.
          CYA Later:

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          • dimad
            • Nov 2003
            • 57

            You can use any forms of paiment when ordering via Kagi:
            DvdReMake & MenuEdit - tools for customized dvd backups (


            • drfsupercenter
              NOT an online superstore
              • Oct 2005
              • 4424

              oh so I could use cash? Is Kagi what you buy DVD Remake Pro from?
              CYA Later:

              Visit my website!!

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              • blutach
                Not a god of digital video
                • Oct 2004
                • 24627

                If it makes your folks hapier, I am sure dimad's site is 100% clear of spyware/viruses.


                Essential progs - [PgcEdit] [VobBlanker] [MenuShrink] [IfoEdit] [Muxman] [DVD Remake Pro] [DVD Rebuilder] [BeSweet] [Media Player Classic] [DVDSubEdit] [ImgBurn]

                Media and Burning - [Golden Rules of Burning] [Media quality] [Fix your DMA] [Update your Firmware] [What's my Media ID Code?] [How to test your disc]
                [What's bitsetting?] [Burn dual layer disks safely] [Why not to burn with Ner0] [Interpret Ner0's burn errors] [Got bad playback?] [Burner/Media compatibility]

                Cool Techniques - [2COOL's guides] [Clean your DVD] [Join a flipper] [Split into 2 DVDs] [Save heaps of Mb] [How to mock strip] [Cool Insert Clips]

                Real useful info - [FAQ INDEX] [Compression explained] [Logical Remapping of Enabled Streams] [DVD-Replica] [Fantastic info on DVDs]

                You should only use genuine Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media. Many thanks to for their supply and great service.

                Explore the sites and the programs - there's a gold mine of information in them

                Don't forget to play the Digital Digest Quiz!!! (Click here)


                • drfsupercenter
                  NOT an online superstore
                  • Oct 2005
                  • 4424

                  Yeah I can ask... but I will get a trial for now. Don't know if it worth 50 bucks if I am only gonna use it a couple times.
                  CYA Later:

                  Visit my website!!

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                  • dimad
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 57

                    Originally Posted by drfsupercenter
                    oh so I could use cash? Is Kagi what you buy DVD Remake Pro from?
                    yes. Here it is:

                    After an order is approved, Kagi sends you a "Thanks for your purchase" e-mail confirmation (usually within an hour). In addition to a copy of the purchase data and information from Kagi about the purchase, this email also includes a "DimadSoft product purchase confirmation number".

                    Using this confirmation number(s) you can add ordered product(s) to your DimadSoft account. Once registered at DimadSoft, programs can be downloaded from your "My Account" page.
                    DvdReMake & MenuEdit - tools for customized dvd backups (


                    • drfsupercenter
                      NOT an online superstore
                      • Oct 2005
                      • 4424

                      Alright, if I like it enough I will probably do that.
                      CYA Later:

                      Visit my website!!

                      Cool Characters Make your text cool
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                      • Toriless
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • May 2007
                        • 4

                        Originally Posted by ajp
                        I recently started using DVD Remake Pro, and wonder if anyone else is using it. Basically what I do is rip the movie to the hard drive with decrypter. Load it up in DVD Remake Pro, remove the extra's, make the menu a till image, disable buttons that will no longer be used, then save. I then load the files into shrink, remove un-needed languages, compress, and burn with decrypter.

                        I love the power of DVD Remake Pro to disable menu buttons, and easily edit menus.

                        You can do ANYTHING in DVD ReMake this doesn't require recompression.
                        You can remove audio tracks, assign audio tracks to different compatable streams, change the characteristics of an audio track, disable an audio track, delete extra empty audio tracks that appear after the ones you want to keep, etc. You can also completely manipluate subtitle track as well but I never touch them as a policy. I'm often changing track 1 from a French 5.1 audio track into the director's commentary track and reassigning the stream to the appropriate one and thus eliminating the French audio track entirely but this requires than you cahnge the commands also. You can also just disable the track which is what most people do and the program will then automatically remove any unused streams after you disable the track when you export the results.

                        I also strongly suggest you use DVD ReBuilder instead of DVD Shrink. Even a quick 4 pass is MUCH better than using DVD Shrink but most people use 6-8 passes. The less a DVD needs recompression then the quicker it will recompress. The longest I've needed was 11 hours for a 10 pass from 7 GB to the usual ~4.38 GB.


                        • Toriless
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • May 2007
                          • 4

                          Originally Posted by jsoto
                          Ooops, sorry, you are right. I read DISable... No, VobBlanker is not able to enable, so delete 12 from the list

                          DVD ReMake pro allow to to simultaneously enable or disable each of 25 different PUOs for any PGC.

                          P.S. - You can edit any PGC un unlimited number of time with 100% undo ability. I've often split a PGC. I'll then I'll play each part to see if I got a clean edit point, If not I can then undo it and go back or forward one VOBU to get the best split point. I can do this a many times as I want for each every Cell in every PGC and then check the playback all in the same program.


                          • Toriless
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • May 2007
                            • 4

                            Originally Posted by jsoto
                            IMHO, this is the point. I never played it DVDRemake, but seems very easy to novice users. As a drawback, they won't learn the DVD internal things (but, probably they are not interested in)

                            This feature is also in VobBlanker, even with custom bmps, but IMHO the winner here (in terms of easy to use) is menushrink.

                            The advantage of DVD ReMake pro is you can LEARN and get better. You can start out a novice and end up and expert. I tell beginners to start by using Ctrl-H to hide/remove unwanted video and to hide/disable buttons and also to use the disable function for unwanted audio tracks. This will leave you way ahead of using crap like DVD Shrink which wastes lots of space by leaving in all sorts of junk that DVD ReMake does not.


                            • Toriless
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • May 2007
                              • 4

                              Originally Posted by dimad
                              Exactly, but I don't think it is a drawback. Naturally one can edit DVDs using hex-editor (actually before MenuEdit appeared some people used hex-editor to remove menu buttons! ) but is it the goal? I think a good tool should expose just enough info to do the task(s) its indended for and must provide some abstraction level. In many cases it is not easy to find a "golden mean". Say design and implementation of DvdReMake Pro interface took at least 3/4 of whole development time. And still there are few things that probably may have been done better.
                              The main thing I hate is the inablilty to remove an audio track from between two others, typicall you have English 5.1 (Huge), French 5.1 (Huge), Director's Commentary (small) and you can't remove track 1 (French) without removing track 2 (Commentary) so you have to edit the VTS's French track from French to English then from 6 track to 2 track then change the type to a Director's Commentary then save it then go to the PGC and select the audio track (upper right) and change the stream to use the same as track 2. Now, the French stream will be removed and track 1 will be the commentary as well as the now redundant track 2. Next, you can now remove track 2. Seems like that a lot of work that can be eliminated by the program removing track 1 and assigning the properties to track 1, etc. It's able to keep track of zillions of links and automatically adjust the references to still link to the same location as other items are removed but yet it can't hand a few simple audio track re-assignments.

                              By the way, can VobBlanker duplicate an entire VTS (every property in every object) is about 2 seconds like DVD ReMake can?


                              • r0lZ
                                Lord of Digital Video
                                Lord of Digital Video
                                • Mar 2004
                                • 1508

                                What's that SPAM, Toriless?
                                Are you another one who got a free license in exchange for some ads?
                                PgcEdit homepage (hosted by VideoHelp)
                                Unofficial mirror (in Poland)

