I followed blutach's instructions on how to make stills of the credits at the end of the movie here...http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48866.
At the end it says "You can do this as many times you like with as many still screens as you please".
Well, I had a long cast list so I had to create 5 BMPs in the Temp folder.
I went thru the entire process for each still, but when I previewed the movie it only showed the 5th still. The file in the DVD Muxman created for every still was VTS_01_0.IFO (along with VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.BUP, VTS_01_0.BUP and VTS_01_1.VOB).
I'm guessing that's why only the 5th still was shown, because Muxman created the same filenames for each BMP.
I tried deleting all files created by Muxman after each DVD still creation. That didn't work. I tried just leaving the files alone hoping Muxman would create different filenames for each still. That didn't work either. It just wrote over the existing files.
How can I create multiple stills if Muxman is going give each the same filenames?
At the end it says "You can do this as many times you like with as many still screens as you please".
Well, I had a long cast list so I had to create 5 BMPs in the Temp folder.
I went thru the entire process for each still, but when I previewed the movie it only showed the 5th still. The file in the DVD Muxman created for every still was VTS_01_0.IFO (along with VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.BUP, VTS_01_0.BUP and VTS_01_1.VOB).
I'm guessing that's why only the 5th still was shown, because Muxman created the same filenames for each BMP.
I tried deleting all files created by Muxman after each DVD still creation. That didn't work. I tried just leaving the files alone hoping Muxman would create different filenames for each still. That didn't work either. It just wrote over the existing files.
How can I create multiple stills if Muxman is going give each the same filenames?
