Is it possible to force several VOBs in the same titleset (with seamless discontinuity of course)?
Scenarist prohibits it...and muxman gives strange results or stops muxing.
st_format 2 Display_Start forced TV_Type PAL Tape_Type NON_DROP Pixel_Area (2 574) Display_Area (0 2 719 574) E2 (255 255 255 = = =) E1 (0 0 255 = = =) PA (0 0 0 = = =) BG (255 0 0 = = =) Directory . Color (1 1 1 1) Contrast (0 0 0 0) 1 00:00:00:00 00:00:10:00 SUB.bmp #
........................... ........................... Section=Content { Item=Segment { Name=Segment_1 Display Mode=none Resolution=none Force=No Item=Video Stream { Coding Mode=Mpeg-2 Standard=PAL CC Field 1=No CC Field 2=No Item=Video Play { File=D:\Bitmaps\CD1-01.bmp Size=0 Duration=00:02:29:22 } Item=Video Play { File=D:\Bitmaps\CD1-02.bmp Size=0 Duration=00:02:14:12 } Item=Video Play { File=D:\Bitmaps\CD1-03.bmp Size=0 Duration=00:03:15:12 } } Item=Audio Stream { Stream Number=1 Language Extension=1 Delay=0 Type=04c1 Frame Size=768 Item=Audio Play { File=D:\Audio\CD1-01.ac3 Size=3596544 } Item=Audio Play { File=D:\Audio\CD1-02.ac3 Size=3223418 } Item=Audio Play { File=D:\Audio\CD1-03.ac3 Size=4076288 } } Item=Scene List { Item=Scene { Name=Segment_1_scn1 Scene Time=00:00:00:00 Uop=00000000 } Item=Scene { Name=Segment_1_scn2 Scene Time=00:02:29:22 Uop=00000000 } Item=Scene { Name=Segment_1_scn3 Scene Time=00:04:44:09 Uop=00000000 } } } } ........................... ........................... Item=Title { Name=VTS01_TTL01 Uop=0 Item=PGC { Name=VTS01_TTL01_PGC1 Menu ID=Title Entry Uop=00000000 Next PGC= Prev PGC= GoUp PGC= PG Playback Mode=Sequential Playback Repeat Times=0 PGC Still Time=0 Palette=DefaultPalette Item=Pre Commands { } Item=Post Commands { } Item=Cell Commands { } Item=Program List { Item=Program { Name=VTS01_TTL01_pg1 Item=Cell { Name=VTS01_TTL01_cell1 Linked Scene=Segment_1_scn1 Command= Cell Still Time=0 VOBU Still Flag=False Access Restriction Flag=Permitted Cell Type=0 Seamless Flag=default } } Item=Program { Name=VTS01_TTL01_pg2 Item=Cell { Name=VTS01_TTL01_cell2 Linked Scene=Segment_1_scn2 Command= Cell Still Time=0 VOBU Still Flag=False Access Restriction Flag=Permitted Cell Type=0 Seamless Flag=default } } Item=Program { Name=VTS01_TTL01_pg3 Item=Cell { Name=VTS01_TTL01_cell3 Linked Scene=Segment_1_scn3 Command= Cell Still Time=0 VOBU Still Flag=False Access Restriction Flag=Permitted Cell Type=0 Seamless Flag=default } } } } } Item=Part of Title List { Item=VTS01_TTL01_pg1 Item=VTS01_TTL01_pg2 Item=VTS01_TTL01_pg3 } } } }