TitleWriter 4.72 - *** Update 31 July 2008, ***

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  • jinjin_jp
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    • Aug 2006
    • 315

    Thanks for TestBed6_29.
    I tried it, but it is difficult to understand flow of command.
    I noticed several thing, in spite of not understanding enough.

    About without VTS menu.
    1)Is this ver. considered belowas you sayed?
    On Remote Prior Chapter (if in first chapter)>>prior Movie -- Last Chapter
    It is not seemed so in commands, and not actually work so.
    It jumps to prior Movie -- first chanpter.

    2)It can't replay one title selected in MovieMenu. It jumps to next title after replay selected title, not return to MovieMenu. It is replayed like AllPlay.

    3)In pre/postcommand of PGC_1 of VTST, set command of gprm(4) and gprm(7) are seemed to be no meaning. These are just setted, but utilized anywhere.

    4)In precommand of PGC_1 of VTST, "if" of "if ( gprm(0) == 0 ) then { Set gprm(1) =(mov) 12346 }" seems to be always yes.

    About with VTS menu.
    5)It has Prev/NectPGCNlink=3/2, but it has only one PGC. Is it legall?

    I think TestBed6_25 is very stable and reliable. When need to add Prev/NectPGCNlink(without adding command), it is easy to do later, if TW doesn't have this function.



    • FallenAngel
      Digital Video Specialist
      Digital Video Specialist
      • Jun 2003
      • 816

      jinjin_jp -- its a work in progress
      Remember it is a "testbed" not a release.
      It may be easy to add it afterwards -- Until changes crop up requiring entry/exit into my routines -- (it already happens when a menu is present)
      Also the extra gprm sets will be if I decide to allow the trick in Menued vts's

      R0lZ method works fine -- when menus are not present -- bypasses otherwise
      When complete this will not require "Squish" navigation assumptions (and should work for compiliations from any source)

      I'm guessing your tests don't include a vts with a menu -- Things get wonky when menus are there.

      Tetsuro_ja -- Doesn't happen here --Though I forgot to update the tmmapi tables
      Last edited by FallenAngel; 30 Jun 2007, 04:47 AM.


      • FallenAngel
        Digital Video Specialist
        Digital Video Specialist
        • Jun 2003
        • 816

        R0lZ Okay -- After more testing I'll bite
        mysterious Access Restricted cell flag
        VobBlanker seems to kick it for both tw an pgcedit (DvdShrink remote)

        Is it us (Applying this trick) or VobBlanker being picky


        • r0lZ
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Mar 2004
          • 1508

          I don't think VobBlanker checks the Access Restricted cell flag. As far as I know, this flag is set only on the tiny fake cells of protected DVDs to prevent the usage of most buttons of the remote when those cells are playing. I have cited the access restricted flag above as it's a way to prevent using the Next button of the remote, like the Next PG Search PUO, but this flag is only indirectly related to the NextPGCN link method.

          On the other hand, VobBlanker verifies the not-one_sequential flag in the VMG_TT_SRPT table, and it considers reasonably that it doesn't need to be set even when the Prev/Next/GoUp PGCN links are non-zero but point to the same PGC (unless, of course, another reason exists, but that should never be the case with Squish compilations in re-author mode.) It offers to clear the flag in this case, as reported here.

          PgcEdit doesn't force this flag neither when a link is changed to a non-zero value. IMO, it is useless to do so, as a Title made of a single PGC that is not played in random or shuffle mode is exactly a normal sequential title, and most players can use its time map, although, as I said, some players assume those titles are not sequential. Anyway, as far as I know, leaving the not-one_seq flag unset has never caused problems.

          IMO, you can freely set the NextPGCN link to point to itself without declaring the title as not-one_sequential. However, take care at this:
          Originally Posted by jinjin_jp
          5)It has Prev/NectPGCNlink=3/2, but it has only one PGC. Is it legall?
          It is certainly illegal to link to another title or, of course, to a non-existing PGC (or to another PGC of the same title when the title is one_sequential.) The fact that the post-commands are executed and the NextPGCN link is never used directly doesn't mean that you can use any PGC number (although I'm sure it works with most players.)
          Last edited by r0lZ; 30 Jun 2007, 08:17 AM. Reason: typo
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          • jinjin_jp
            Digital Video Enthusiast
            Digital Video Enthusiast
            • Aug 2006
            • 315

            I tried to modify command abou without VTS-menu.

            But it works like below. It's not be as same as FallenAngel says.
            On Remote Next Chapter (if in last chapter)>>Next Movie
            On Remote Next Chapter (last Movie last chapter)>>standard exit
            On Remote Prior Chapter (if in first chapter)>>prior Movie -- 1st Chapter (not LastChapter)
            On remote Prior Chapter (1st movie 1st chapter >> 1st movie 1st chapter (not Main Movies menu)

            VMGM , LU 1 (en) , 1 (0:01) 7b. TitleM - Chapters: n/a, Programs: 1, Cells: 1
            ********** pre commands:
            1 if ( gprm(1) == 12346 ) then { Goto line 3 }
            __This is for jump to title_1 from title_2 by Prev-Button in AllPlay. If not, it jumps to MovieMenu then.
            2 if ( gprm(0) == 0 ) then { Set gprm(1) =(mov) 0 }
            3 Set gprm(2) =(mov) 12345
            4 if ( gprm(1) >= gprm(2) ) then { (JumpSS) Jump to VMGM PGC 4 }

            VTST 1 , 1 TTN 1 (0:13) Title 1 - Chapters: 2, Programs: 2, Cells: 2
            ********** pre commands:
            1 Set gprm(0) =(mov) 0
            2 if ( gprm(1) == 12346 ) then { Set gprm(1) =(mov) 12345 }
            __This is for continue AllPlay when use Prev-Button in AllPlay.
            ********** post commands:
            1 Set gprm(0) =(mov) 1
            2 (CallSS) Call the VMGM Title menu, resume cell 1

            VTST 1 , 2 TTN 1 (dummy) - Chapters: 0, Programs: 0, Cells: 0
            ********** pre commands:
            1 Set gprm(0) =(mov) 0
            2 if ( gprm(1) == 12345 ) then { Set gprm(1) =(mov) 12346 }
            __This is for recognize to use Prev-Button in AllPlay.
            3 (CallSS) Call the VMGM Title menu, resume cell 1
            ********** post commands:
            1 Exit

            VTST 2 , 1 TTN 1 (0:13) Title 2 - Chapters: 2, Programs: 2, Cells: 3
            ********** pre commands:
            1 Set gprm(0) =(mov) 0
            __If this value change to "the numper of titles" -1, it jumps to last title form title_1 by Prev-Button in AllPlay.
            2 if ( gprm(1) == 12346 ) then { Set gprm(1) =(mov) 12345 }
            __This is for recognize to use Prev-Button in AllPlay.
            ********** post commands:
            1 Set gprm(0) =(mov) 2
            2 (CallSS) Call the VMGM Title menu, resume cell 1

            VTST 2 , 2 TTN 1 (dummy) - Chapters: 0, Programs: 0, Cells: 0
            ********** pre commands:
            1 Set gprm(0) =(mov) 0
            __This is for jump to previous title form title_2 by Prev-Button in AllPlay.
            2 if ( gprm(1) == 12345 ) then { Set gprm(1) =(mov) 12346 }
            __This is for recognize to use Prev-Button in AllPlay.
            3 (CallSS) Call the VMGM Title menu, resume cell 1
            ********** post commands:
            1 Exit

            VTST 3
            VTST 4
            Last edited by jinjin_jp; 30 Jun 2007, 01:59 PM.


            • FallenAngel
              Digital Video Specialist
              Digital Video Specialist
              • Jun 2003
              • 816


              but that should never be the case with Squish compilations in re-author mode.
              My problem is that I've opened this trick up to be used in compiliations from any source not just Squish
              (I'm somewhat echoing Squishs style entry/exit -- But I'm rewriting virtually everything now in make menu)

              I Can see that it shouldn't cause any problems --

              Yes I know that was illegal (and a dumb typo)

              Gods -- this would be easier if I could set the NextPGCN to a dummy pgc
              or if I could trust the sprm's

              I Know the software players are "iffy" in updating sprm's but all my test disks in various hardware seems to show them to be "trustworthy" --Any Opinion on this


              • r0lZ
                Lord of Digital Video
                Lord of Digital Video
                • Mar 2004
                • 1508

                Originally Posted by FallenAngel
                My problem is that I've opened this trick up to be used in compiliations from any source not just Squish
                (I'm somewhat echoing Squishs style entry/exit -- But I'm rewriting virtually everything now in make menu)

                I Can see that it shouldn't cause any problems --
                Anyway, I suppose that all compilations are made of standard sequential titles.

                Originally Posted by FallenAngel
                Gods -- this would be easier if I could set the NextPGCN to a dummy pgc
                I agree! BTW, it's what I do in my function "Redo authoring" and for some options of "Remote Buttons". Since the title is still made of only one non-dummy PGC, most players are happy with this method, but unfortunately there are exceptions.

                Originally Posted by FallenAngel
                I Know the software players are "iffy" in updating sprm's but all my test disks in various hardware seems to show them to be "trustworthy" --Any Opinion on this
                As far as I know, you can reasonably trust SPRM 4, although I'm not sure. Anyway, forcing a GPRM to the current Title number at the beginning of the title PGCs is easy. And you can trust the GPRM to discover which title has been played lately. (BTW, I have never understood why Squish forces GPRM 0 to 0 in the pre-commands. IMO, it is easier to force it to the current title number.)

                SPRM 7 is more problematic, as it can contain either the chapter or program number. Anyway, usually, in a sequential title, the chapter and the program numbers are equals.

                Do you need to use other SPRMs?
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                • FallenAngel
                  Digital Video Specialist
                  Digital Video Specialist
                  • Jun 2003
                  • 816

                  No 4 and 7 would be all I Need 7 mostly at this point

                  I keep going through software players (over 20 loaded here) trying to find one that closely matchs the "majority" of DVD players -- Strangely enough (Or expectedly IfoEdits seem the closest) the rest ALL have foibles

                  This is making testing pure Hell

                  unfortunately there are exceptions.
                  And those stop me cold.

                  I'm about a half inch from removing NextPCn and moving it to the return button (and its own dummy) -- But It doesn't "sing" as well)


                  • r0lZ
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 1508

                    Originally Posted by FallenAngel
                    I'm about a half inch from removing NextPCn and moving it to the return button (and its own dummy) -- But It doesn't "sing" as well)
                    What's the benefit? GoUp (aka Return) can be used during the playback of any program, but if you need to create a dummy, you lose the one_sequential status of the title anyway.
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                    • FallenAngel
                      Digital Video Specialist
                      Digital Video Specialist
                      • Jun 2003
                      • 816

                      The benefit (to me) is that I can remove the g1=12346 from my VTST n,1 pre or post commands ---this switch overrides any calls to the "real" menu system

                      in my current schema I set g1 =12346 then call vmgm title menu where I trap for it and jump into the VMGM "Playall" Dummy
                      On the PriorPGCN dummy this works well.

                      But I have no dummy pgc where I can set that value for NextPGCN -- so I have to set it in pre or post commands of VTST n,1 effectively eliminating Any user request Call to my VMGM switcher menu.

                      It gets even more convoluted when importing original/other menu's

                      In other words I need a dummy to be called for both situations


                      • r0lZ
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        Lord of Digital Video
                        • Mar 2004
                        • 1508

                        I understand.
                        Note that you can change the value of gprm 1 in a cell command attached to the last cell of the PGC. This cell command is skipped when the Next button of the remote is pressed, but it is executed when the title ends normally, without user intervention. That might be useful, although the cell command is not executed neither if the user jumps to a menu with the remote.
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                        • tetsuro_ja
                          Gold Member
                          Gold Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 126

                          Thanks for explanation of the not-one_sequential flag.

                          Originally Posted by FallenAngel
                          But I have no dummy pgc where I can set that value for NextPGCN
                          It may be possible to revive the dummy pgc for NextPGCN if a cell command is attached to the last cell as r0lZ says.


                          • FallenAngel
                            Digital Video Specialist
                            Digital Video Specialist
                            • Jun 2003
                            • 816

                            Yes I had thought of that -- if I set it there, if(trap in post ==true) >>jump to Dummy -- (Obviously I lose menu Calls in last cell)
                            It helps except when the title is a single cell or a single chapter comprising 1 cell (right back where I started)

                            The only really clean way is to create a final small cell at the end of the Title

                            2 Strikes against that though

                            TW has no cell manipulation routines vob/ifo at all (at present)
                            it also could be a tad slow -

                            I am really trying to avoid playing with the content vobs

                            In Squish I have always tried to lop off content at the end by leaving a little of the last chapter (where applicable)


                            • tetsuro_ja
                              Gold Member
                              Gold Member
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 126

                              Originally Posted by FallenAngel
                              Yes I had thought of that -- if I set it there, if(trap in post ==true) >>jump to Dummy -- (Obviously I lose menu Calls in last cell)
                              It helps except when the title is a single cell or a single chapter comprising 1 cell (right back where I started)
                              I may not understand enough.

                              Is the following method strange?
                              Previous/Next PGCN link = 3/2
                              post commands:
                              1 if ( gprm(8) == 0 ) then { Break }
                              2 Set gprm(8) =(mov) 0
                              cell commands:
                              1 Set gprm(8) =(mov) 1


                              • blutach
                                Not a god of digital video
                                • Oct 2004
                                • 24627

                                Originally Posted by FallenAngel
                                I Know the software players are "iffy" in updating sprm's
                                God, are they ever. I'm about to gove up on bloody PowerDVD.

                                Originally Posted by r0lZ
                                As far as I know, you can reasonably trust SPRM 4, although I'm not sure. Anyway, forcing a GPRM to the current Title number at the beginning of the title PGCs is easy.
                                Agreed. I often do this on long compliations where no resume flag exists. Set grpm(x:Resume flag) = SPRM(4)

                                Last edited by blutach; 1 Jul 2007, 04:05 PM.

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