TitleWriter 4.72 - *** Update 31 July 2008, ***

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  • FallenAngel
    Digital Video Specialist
    Digital Video Specialist
    • Jun 2003
    • 816

    Uploaded Beta 10_3_2

    Simplified -- It solved your prior problem with the translator from english to japanese you can go either way with the translator in DVD_text and it doesn't require editing
    Updated LanguageCodes file -- Loaded as many code page/locale numbers as I could find/figure out on the List

    One thing -- Does the Setup Menu look correct in Japanese


    • jinjin_jp
      Digital Video Enthusiast
      Digital Video Enthusiast
      • Aug 2006
      • 315

      Thanks for new beta10_3_2.

      *Character Set Code becomes to be changeable.

      *When MakeMenu, DVD_text seems to be correct even if not edited.
      1)"Use translation file" off => English
      2)"Use translation file" on => Japanese according to translation file.

      Does the Setup Menu look correct in Japanese
      I think correct, it is same as upper shot of post #580 of http://forum.digital-digest.com/show...=81885&page=39

      LangageCode/CodePage allowed to be anything when editing DVD_text ?
      CharacterSetCode allowed to be anything ?
      Because Japanese seems to be reflected correctly even if both setting is anything.

      Last edited by jinjin_jp; 4 Oct 2007, 11:45 PM.


      • FallenAngel
        Digital Video Specialist
        Digital Video Specialist
        • Jun 2003
        • 816

        The Character Set code is only used to set the Settop player code. That controls which character set the player displays.
        Thats the only thing I'm unsure of --exactly where that code resides in the dvd_Text segment. I'm currently setting both 0x16 and 0x20 offsets.
        This was why I was asking if the settop player displayed the DVD Text in Kanji charset.

        P.s. You said you saw Japanese characters -- what is the character set setting you used

        I really can't believe the settops will display the full Kanji set of characters

        Because Japanese seems to be reflected correctly even if both setting is anything.
        Perhaps -- But is the Ansii conversion stored on the dvd correct. It also could be because your system default Language is Japanese -- Just Guessing
        Just because Make Menu shows it properly doesn't mean the Unicode to Ascii conversion is correct.
        Thats why when you say save a dvd in japanese load another (reset code to say russian) then load saved japanese dvd you get garbage

        That code (Language code/codepage) is used to convert Unicode charset to and from the file compiliation (which is stored as 8 bits per character)
        It is also used when reading the Translated strings into TW (They are also 8 bits per character --)

        Unicode is 16 bits per character

        I'll yet need to make the program read and reset the codepage/charset to the found data in an Existing DVD_Text data segment


        • jinjin_jp
          Digital Video Enthusiast
          Digital Video Enthusiast
          • Aug 2006
          • 315

          The Character Set code and Language code/codepage are used for hardware player (except for reading the Translated strings file ?
          So is it impossible to confirm by PC ? (I don't have the player which can show DVDtext.)



          • FallenAngel
            Digital Video Specialist
            Digital Video Specialist
            • Jun 2003
            • 816

            Well the language/code page selector is working properly -- the fact that Make Menu translator works proves that.

            I Still need verification (before release) that a Japanese Settop Player can Display Kanji Strings. The actual code the DVD Character Set needs to be set to is Unknown (I live in America -- My juke won't pick up/display Kanji no matter what the character set setting)
            I assume hardware sold in Japan supports this. (Regional Market) (Still Unconfirmed)

            One glance at a commercial Video_ts.ifo that displays DVD_Text in Kanji characterset on juke would answer all my questions

            Does your DVD Players internal Menu (setup,language, Audio menu) display Kanji

            Has your Settop Player ever shown DVD_TEXT
            Last edited by FallenAngel; 6 Oct 2007, 04:50 AM.


            • jinjin_jp
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              Digital Video Enthusiast
              • Aug 2006
              • 315

              I investigated hard player which can display DVD-text.
              There seems to be no player which can do it in current players.

              At first I searched by Google. I could find only old Toshiba's player. They were SD-200J(released in Februaly 2003) and SD-250J(released in November 2003) for example.
              But next released SD-260J(in November 2003) seems not to be able to show DVD-text.

              Next I made DVD-RW which I added DVD-text, and went to shop and asked. They seached at first and told me the result which is same as my result.
              And they said to let's confirm with actually replaying, and did with 3 current players.
              But any players can't display DVD-text, and can't find setting of ON/OFF of DVD-text.
              These players were;
              Toshiba(because old type seems to be able),
              Sony(because only Sony's DVD has DVD text when I tried to find.)
              Pioneer(they recommended because it has most much function.)



              • FallenAngel
                Digital Video Specialist
                Digital Video Specialist
                • Jun 2003
                • 816

                Heres a link to a few at cnet

                CNET is the world's leader in tech product reviews, news, prices, videos, forums, how-tos and more.

                And some more I copied by google DVD Text

                There would probably be no On/Off switch for DVD_Text -- Models so equipped display it if there -- some in Info Window some scroll in LED on Player

                The DVD Jukes will always read it

                This is where things get iffy -- Its that bloody character set code
                I'm quite sure it needs to be set -- but not sure I'm doing it right (so a TW created test disk might fail even in a dvd_Text capable machine unless that value is correct and in the right location)
                (but I'm not exactly sure of its location/value in the dvd_text segment)
                It controls which character set the player uses on that DVD
                Changing the values on my Pioneer tells me nothing -- Probably in America it only contains iso646 charset. (This is what I set on all prior TW ver. 0x01 located at 0x16 of the dvd_Text segment.)
                I'm sure All Players worldwide support this charset (mainly as I haven't heard screaming from users that they are seeing gobbledegook)

                Or I could be completely all wet -- But I can't believe say typical japanese dvd jukebox owners would be forced to use the Roman alphabet

                This is why I'm looking for a commercial dvd's Videots_ifo that displays DVD_TEXT in Kanji charset in japanese jukebox. One glance at that segment would tell me if I got it right (or how to fix it).

                I'm thinking the easiest way to find such a disk -- is simply to open it with TW --
                1. The DVD_Text will either be The Dummy DVDTEXT I create (none on the disk)
                2. Roman Charset
                3. Kanjii charset and it "looks" sensible (Heres the one I want)
                4. Chaos characters (This is probably the one I want -- But it means I'm all wet on my reading assumptions)

                I've searched my collection a bit Heres a few Commercial disks containing dvd_Text (all english -- Us release so thats to be expected)

                Swordfish (VName and Title)
                xXx ""
                Harry Potter and The Sorcerors Stone (probably all Harrys) ""

                Likely candidates would be sony disks made for the japanese Market (perhaps anime)
                Last edited by FallenAngel; 7 Oct 2007, 09:37 PM.


                • FallenAngel
                  Digital Video Specialist
                  Digital Video Specialist
                  • Jun 2003
                  • 816

                  Uploaded Beta10_7

                  A few fixes (Mainly in Remove All Menus)

                  This one auto resets the country, translation file according to the Lan code in the dvd_Text segment (iF it exists)


                  • jinjin_jp
                    Digital Video Enthusiast
                    Digital Video Enthusiast
                    • Aug 2006
                    • 315

                    FA, thanks for the info about player.
                    I confirmed them. Almost can't be fonud in players of Japan.
                    RDRGX7 was only found in Japan. But it was old (released in May 2003), and can't be found the description about DVD-text in catalogue (both paper and net).
                    DVP-NS75H seems to be correspond to DVP-NS53P which is currently released. But the the description about DVD-text can't be found in catalogue (both paper and net), too.



                    • FallenAngel
                      Digital Video Specialist
                      Digital Video Specialist
                      • Jun 2003
                      • 816

                      Well I know the jukes support it.
                      And thats what TW DVD_TEXT was primarily designed for.
                      And Pioneer Elite still seems to support it.

                      I simply can't believe that the jukes/media in japan force users to use the english alphabet. Especially if the Japanese juke user selects japanese as their "working" language
                      Hence japanese media (at least some) released with DVD_TEXT should contain Kanji characters (Same applies for Arabic, Cryllic areas)

                      Especially since the internal chips containing the charmaps obviously exist in the player


                      • jinjin_jp
                        Digital Video Enthusiast
                        Digital Video Enthusiast
                        • Aug 2006
                        • 315

                        I can find out the player which will be able to display DVD-text.
                        They are Pioneer DVK-900 and DVL-K88.
                        Pioneer doesn't call "DVD-text" but "text information".
                        They are not normal player, but are for karaoke. DVD-text seems to be used for display song's name to be selected.
                        But karaoke and movie/music are used in different mode.

                        I will not get this expensive player and it will be difficult to confirm in shop because it's not popular.
                        But it may be possible to get DVD of karaoke, if have available worth.
                        Do you think it has any available information?



                        • FallenAngel
                          Digital Video Specialist
                          Digital Video Specialist
                          • Jun 2003
                          • 816

                          Very unsure Never seen a Karoke disk -- though Players are readily available-- DVD Text specs Do contain codes/subentries/classes for Karoke disks (I never added them).
                          I Guess the text could be "read" and used to fill a visual list. As opposed to adding a full fledged menu system.

                          I gather you don't have any of the titles I listed yesterday (commercial movie disks) -- I'd be willing to bet Japanese releases of those titles have text in them.

                          I will not get this expensive player and it will be difficult to confirm in shop because it's not popular.
                          Don't blame you a bit -- and its the disk that contains the info not the player

                          Maybe I'll just post in other forums for a person who owns a juke in japan -- And beg the Video_ts.ifo off them.


                          • FallenAngel
                            Digital Video Specialist
                            Digital Video Specialist
                            • Jun 2003
                            • 816

                            Uploaded TWBeta10_10

                            This is actually a major update/test for dvd_text

                            It seems way back when I made a slight error in the dvd text segment (mostly based on IfoEdits somewhat vague labeling and layout mistakes and certain guesses)

                            Anyway I now find that the subtable starting a 0x20 is critical (single Text Language segment)-- and the layout is as follows (especially when multiple entries are present in the Master classes)

                            The first 2 bytes point to the Volume entry

                            Each subsequent Pair MUST point to Title Class Entries present in the segment
                            (R0lZ -- you might want to look at this -- I believe your second entry present essentially points to nowhere -- not sure where that will go on all players)
                            (All prior TW versions were writing title entries 2 bytes off)

                            Sorting seems well critical (especially with multiple sub entries) and compatability across the player realm

                            After implementing the above My Pioneer Jukes will Now recognize (and fill in the Second Line (As the older sony jukebox does)
                            Click on Volume Then select Actor >> Change the text to suit.

                            This change may also affect the newer sony jukebox
                            (where extended DVDTEXT for the second line was not being picked up/Displayed) (I believe the class code for Sony jukes Is Movie)

                            New Sony juke users -- Someone Pls respond if this change corrected the problem (It could very well be the newer sonys no longer read the code at all)


                            • FallenAngel
                              Digital Video Specialist
                              Digital Video Specialist
                              • Jun 2003
                              • 816

                              Released TW 4.6Beta


                              • jinjin_jp
                                Digital Video Enthusiast
                                Digital Video Enthusiast
                                • Aug 2006
                                • 315

                                for new beta.

