@blu & r0lZ,
I followed blu's instructions (as r0lZ's last post was not up yet) and I deleted the tiny cell causing the problem. I then demuxed and remuxed and then reauthored in VobBlanker and the STC discontinuity flags are gone. See the attached screenshot. I tested the DVD and there were no pauses. Of course, I don't think there ever were while testing on my computer, but the DVD did seem to play smoother throughout. So, I think we've solved the problem. However, I don't think I'm going to re-burn the DVD, but I do have another racquetball DVD to burn that could result in the same scenario. So, I'm better prepared now. Thanks again guys.
I followed blu's instructions (as r0lZ's last post was not up yet) and I deleted the tiny cell causing the problem. I then demuxed and remuxed and then reauthored in VobBlanker and the STC discontinuity flags are gone. See the attached screenshot. I tested the DVD and there were no pauses. Of course, I don't think there ever were while testing on my computer, but the DVD did seem to play smoother throughout. So, I think we've solved the problem. However, I don't think I'm going to re-burn the DVD, but I do have another racquetball DVD to burn that could result in the same scenario. So, I'm better prepared now. Thanks again guys.
