Initially play a slideshow completely thru with 0, and at the end of the slideshow have it automatically repeat that same slideshow but with 1, then after finishing 1, have it automatically replay the same video with 2, etc. I'm not exactly sure of how many audio tracks a DVD is limited to, but it seems like I read somewhere it was a half-dozen. Just wondered if it was possible with PGCedit or other authoring software to insert a command at the movie/slideshow end to jump back to the beginning and replay the movie (slideshow) but sequentially & automatically jump to the next audio (language) track. 0-rock, 1 smooth jazz, 2 CW, (or whatever) etc, etc, and what would the best way to do this-- Demux the slideshow to M2V, calculate the exact video time length, Combine several wavs to 1 large wav of the exact time length, transcode that large wav to AC3, and then mux that M2V along with the multiple AC3 tracks with Muxman or plug the original mpg (video with a silent audio track into DVDflick (and delete the original audio track with flick, and just add the extra audio tracks. Thx Also just wondering if you can still author a DVD menu with titlewriter from a DVD folder made with DVDshrink's "still pictures" mode? (slideshow with no-transitions as transitions seems to screw-up Shrink's still picture mode). thx
Wondering if there was a way to play DVD audio tracks sequentially?
There can be up to 8 audio stream in a title domain (but 1 only in the menus.)
It is easy to repeat the title with another track. Assuming there are 8 audio tracks, and that GPRM(1) is free (and therefore contains 0 when the title is reached), you can use something like this:Code:********** pre commands: 1 Set gprm(1) =(mov) 0 2 (SetSTN) Set Audio stream = 0 ********** post commands: 1 Set gprm(1) +=(add) 1 2 if ( gprm(1) >= 8 ) then { Goto line 5 } 3 (SetSTN) Set Audio stream = gprm(1) 4 LinkPGN Program 1 5 NOP 6 Set gprm(1) =(mov) 0 7 (SetSTN) Set Audio stream = 0 8 (CallSS) Call the VMGM Title menu, resume cell 1 ********** cell commands:
In the post commands, the current stream number (hold in the gprm) is incremented.
If the last stream has been played, the nav continues to line 5, where the GPRM and the audio stream are reset to the first stream, and then the playback returns to the menu. (Of course, you can also return to the same title to play it endlessly.)
Otherwise, the audio stream is set to its new number, and the playback is relaunched at the beginning of the first cell.
You might have to reset the audio stream and the gprm(1) also in the root menu of the VTS, as, if the user quits the slideshow by calling the menu, the current audio stream is unpredictable. It's not necessary if your DVD contains only the slideshow (and menus). To reset the stream, simply use:Code:1 Set gprm(1) =(mov) 0 2 (SetSTN) Set Audio stream = 0
Not sure what's the best tool to build the slideshow. I like DVD-Lab Pro, but it is not cheap!Last edited by r0lZ; 11 Mar 2008, 11:58 PM. -
Tw is video oriented not audio
It would be fairly simple (and not require hand work) if you authored each seperate audio stream into its own title (1 audio stream/tile)--Then Tw's Make Menu -- PlayAll would just walk through the titles as each is finished
Also (if relevant) this would allow going beyond the 8 stream limit per title (you could go up to 99)
Of course you end up with multiple copies of your slideshow -- Depends on the sizeLast edited by FallenAngel; 12 Mar 2008, 08:18 PM.Comment