A video has 6 sub-picture streams :1-English; 2-French; 3-Spanish; 4-English; 5-French; 6-Spanish. DVD Shrink reports streams 4-6 as empty (0MB in size). The sub-pictures function correctly when selected in the Languages menu. However, when selected in the remote control (right-clicking) the following pattern emerges: 1–English; 2-English; 3–French; 4–French; 5_Spanish; 6_Spanish. That is, only buttons 1 and 6 function correctly ?
How can this be corrected ? I tried deleting streams 4-6 in PgcEdit and then "cleaning up" with FixVTS, but this didn’t work.
How can this be corrected ? I tried deleting streams 4-6 in PgcEdit and then "cleaning up" with FixVTS, but this didn’t work.