I have few film titles with many different types of files in video_ts folders such as, Backup File of the IFO, VLC media file (.ifo), VLC media file (.vob). Now, I want to compile all these files together and burn the complete film with original menus, chapters, songs, etc., on blank DVD and also on my USB Hard Drive so that, I can watch these films on my LCD TV. Your prompt reply will be highly obliged.
Compiling VOB files
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The file types such as "Backup File of the IFO" or "VLC media file" are assigned by the programs you have installed on your computer, and are not important. Only the file extensions matters. You must have a certain number of .IFO, .BUP and .VOB files, and ONLY that type of file in your VIDEO_TS folder. A DVD must at least include VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.BUP, VTS_01_0.IFO, VTS_01_0.BUP, VTS_01_1.VOB... There might be other files as well, depending of the content of the DVD. Anyway, do NOT modify, remove or add files manually.
Burn the VIDEO_TS folder with a good DVD-Video burning program that will warn you if there are missing files, such as imgburn.