Interesting link! I didn't know that bug. Thanks!
Are you sure it is really skipped? Or do you mean that when it should be shown, nothing appears in the DVDSubEdit window? It's very different. If it skips it, that might be because the menu has a bug. Otherwise, it's simply the bitmap of the highlight of that button that is fully transparent.
You should try this: go to the menu editor in PgcEdit, and use Button -> New Button. Accept and save the DVD. Reload it, go again to the menu editor, select the new button, and do Button -> Delete Button. Accept and save again. That operations are useless, but with some luck, PgcEdit will re-organize the menu correctly, and the German button could be available in DVDSubEdit.
If it's only a problem with the bitmap, open the menu in DVDSubEdit, and select the option to export the bitmap as a BMP in the File menu. Then, with a good paint program, copy the highlight of another button, and place it at the right position for the German button. (That's the difficult part, as the exact position is often difficult to determine.) Save, and import the bitmap back in the menu with DVDSubEdit. If your menu is a 16:9 menu, you will have to select the other display mode in DVDSubEdit, and apply the same method with the other bitmap. (It is even possible that your menu has 3 display modes, and if it's the case, you must apply the procedure 3 times.)
If the original bitmap(s) contain(s) the highlight, you should also verify if the colour scheme used for the German button is correct. In the PgcEdit menu Editor, look at the colour scheme number of a button that works, then select the German button, and set its colour scheme to that number.
One of these methods should work. Good luck again!
Are you sure it is really skipped? Or do you mean that when it should be shown, nothing appears in the DVDSubEdit window? It's very different. If it skips it, that might be because the menu has a bug. Otherwise, it's simply the bitmap of the highlight of that button that is fully transparent.
You should try this: go to the menu editor in PgcEdit, and use Button -> New Button. Accept and save the DVD. Reload it, go again to the menu editor, select the new button, and do Button -> Delete Button. Accept and save again. That operations are useless, but with some luck, PgcEdit will re-organize the menu correctly, and the German button could be available in DVDSubEdit.
If it's only a problem with the bitmap, open the menu in DVDSubEdit, and select the option to export the bitmap as a BMP in the File menu. Then, with a good paint program, copy the highlight of another button, and place it at the right position for the German button. (That's the difficult part, as the exact position is often difficult to determine.) Save, and import the bitmap back in the menu with DVDSubEdit. If your menu is a 16:9 menu, you will have to select the other display mode in DVDSubEdit, and apply the same method with the other bitmap. (It is even possible that your menu has 3 display modes, and if it's the case, you must apply the procedure 3 times.)
If the original bitmap(s) contain(s) the highlight, you should also verify if the colour scheme used for the German button is correct. In the PgcEdit menu Editor, look at the colour scheme number of a button that works, then select the German button, and set its colour scheme to that number.
One of these methods should work. Good luck again!