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  • Netman
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2002
    • 3

    Home Videos

    I am very new to this. I just got a Pioneer 104 and have a JVC Digital Video Camera. I just hooked it up through the firewire port and using Windows Movie Maker can transfer the video to my pc.

    What would I have to do then to get it to the dvd so I can watch it in my dvd player?

  • Batman
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Jan 2002
    • 2317

    For capturing software Virtualdub/nandub may be a good choice (both freeware).

    You would need a dvd burner which would most likely include the neccesary software to burn to dvd.


    • Netman
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2002
      • 3

      Well I have everything I need to get it on the dvd. I am just questioning what do I need to do to the video before I put it on the dvd. Maybe I dont need to do anything.


      • Batman
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Jan 2002
        • 2317

        So long the format (avi, mpeg-1, mpeg-2 etc...) is acceptable to the dvd burning program you should not have any problem.


        • Netman
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2002
          • 3




          • Batman
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Jan 2002
            • 2317

            you're welcome


            • adamonebox
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2002
              • 10

              Not so simple

              The real question here is whether you want to watch it in your standalone DVD player, vs. your PC's DVD-drive.

              In the latter case, you can just dump a video-format file to the disc and you're done. Generally, video captured via firewire to a PC is in the DV format, which is the same high-res format used on the original miniDV tapes.

              If you want to play the DVD in your standalone player, you need to "author" the movie. The first thing you need to do is make sure your movie is in the MPEG-2 format. If it's not, you will need to transcode the move to MPEG-2. Once that's done, you'll need to author the DVD. This takes the MPEG-2 movie, adds chapter stops, menus, etc. and produces a folder called VIDEO_TS that resides on the DVD and contains files of type .vob that is your movie audio/video data divided typically into 1 Gb chunks. The folder also contains .ifo files (and .bup backup files) which contain the "information" about the chapters, etc.

              The cheapest way to do all this is buy a program from www.sonic.com call MyDVD. It will have you hook up your digital camcorder, and without any input from you will capture the video, produce and MPEG-2 of it, author a VIDEO_TS folder and burn a DVD for standalone playback. Good luck.


