Am I An Idiot?? Using IFOEDIT To Do DVD9-->2xDVDrs

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  • robinmthomas
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
    • 13

    Am I An Idiot?? Using IFOEDIT To Do DVD9-->2xDVDrs

    I have been following this guide:

    and I have followed a similar guide and I am really confused with this part:
    We'll now have to manually split the DVDs by copying over the rest of the files. These are the files you need to copy :
    Don't overwrite any files that IfoEdit has already copied over for you to both discs.

    First of all, copy the VIDEO_TS set of files (VIDEO_TS.BUP, VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.VOB - these are your "menu" files) to both "discs" (the 'Disc1' and 'Disc2' directories) if they are not there already.

    Copy all VTS_XY_0.VOB (eg. VTS_05_0.VOB) and all associated IFO/BUP files (eg. VTS_05_0.IFO, VTS_05_0.BUP) over to both discs. Note that this includes the _0.VOB file for the title set you just split (but don't copy the .IFO/BUP files for this set).

    If your main movie's title set is not the VTS_01 set, then you'll have to copy over this set of files to both discs.

    Now put the rest of the files on disc two, since we've already calculated and split the movie so that most of it is on disc 1. The basic strategy is to put as much of the movie on disc 1 as possible, and leave disc 2 for the extra features.
    Can someone explain exactly which files go on which disc?

    In my case, here is my directory:

    05/11/2003 03:25 PM <DIR> .
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM <DIR> ..
    05/11/2003 03:07 PM 18,432 VIDEO_TS.BUP
    05/11/2003 03:07 PM 18,432 VIDEO_TS.IFO
    05/11/2003 03:07 PM 753,664 VIDEO_TS.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:07 PM 104,448 VTS_01_0.BUP
    05/11/2003 03:07 PM 104,448 VTS_01_0.IFO
    05/11/2003 03:09 PM 560,162,816 VTS_01_0.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:11 PM 1,073,721,344 VTS_01_1.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:13 PM 1,073,455,104 VTS_01_2.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:15 PM 1,073,678,336 VTS_01_3.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:17 PM 1,073,657,856 VTS_01_4.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:19 PM 1,073,635,328 VTS_01_5.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:21 PM 1,073,508,352 VTS_01_6.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:23 PM 1,073,727,488 VTS_01_7.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:24 PM 358,270,976 VTS_01_8.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:24 PM 18,432 VTS_02_0.BUP
    05/11/2003 03:24 PM 18,432 VTS_02_0.IFO
    05/11/2003 03:24 PM 8,192 VTS_02_0.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 12,419,072 VTS_02_1.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 18,432 VTS_03_0.BUP
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 18,432 VTS_03_0.IFO
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 8,192 VTS_03_0.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 14,366,720 VTS_03_1.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 18,432 VTS_04_0.BUP
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 18,432 VTS_04_0.IFO
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 8,192 VTS_04_0.VOB
    05/11/2003 03:25 PM 8,292,352 VTS_04_1.VOB
    26 File(s) 8,470,030,336 bytes
    2 Dir(s) 27,061,317,632 bytes free
    According to DVD Decrypter, VTS_01 is the main movies files.
    So, in my case, what files do I copy into which folder that IFOEdit created.
  • robinmthomas
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
    • 13

    Let me be more specific:

    Is says:
    Copy all VTS_XY_0.VOB (eg. VTS_05_0.VOB) and all associated IFO/BUP files (eg. VTS_05_0.IFO, VTS_05_0.BUP) over to both discs. Note that this includes the _0.VOB file for the title set you just split (but don't copy the .IFO/BUP files for this set).

    Then it says:
    Now put the rest of the files on disc two,

    My question is: What does it mean when it says "the rest of the files"
    What files ? It said copy all the VTS_XY_0.VOB/IFO/BUP to both discs.

    Also, why would I copy the extra content to "BOTH" discs. That doesn't make sense to me.


    • setarip
      • Dec 2001
      • 24955

      Make your life simple - after ripping the ENTIRE DVD to your hard drive via DVD Decrypter, use either DVD2One, DVD95Copy, or (freeware) DVDShrink, to create a very good to excellent quality replication on a single-sided, single layer DVD...


      • robinmthomas
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2002
        • 13

        I don't want to lose any quality.
        I would rather make 2 DVDs or remove extra content than lose quality.

        Do DVD2One, DVD95Copy, DVDShrink maintain quality?


        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          As I initially posted, each of the three programs (although I personally lean toward DVD95Copy), will create a very good to excellent quality replication on a single-sided, single layer DVD...

          Typically, there is so much excess bitrate (standard 9,800Kbps) and "padding" in commercial DVDs, that you'll be hard-pressed to discern the compressed version from the original.

          Additionally, DVD95Copy allows you to SELECTIVELY compress the various aspects of a given DVD (menu, main movie, "extras").


          • robinmthomas
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2002
            • 13


            Can you point me to any DVD95Copy tutorials?


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              You'll find that the program is so intuitive, that no tutorial is needed...


              • brownstem
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • May 2003
                • 1

                why not make it even easier?

                dvdtoolbox will do what you want for free. it'll split the movie with no loss of quality. dvd95copy and dvdxcopy aren't free.


                • robinmthomas
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2002
                  • 13

                  I tried DVDToolbox and it created "blips" in my movie. That's the best way to describe them. they were black blips in the lower half of the movie and movie was also jumpy, but this may be because of the effect of the blips.

                  I was using my computer for other things while DVDToolbox was doing its thing -- I kicked it off again before work and set it to high processor usuage and am going to see if that was the problem.

                  Any ideas...


                  • mrbass
                    Digital Video Enthusiast
                    Digital Video Enthusiast
                    • Jun 2002
                    • 362

                    version 0.11b had problems...anyway I haven't had a problem like you describe since using the latest versions. Your using the latest dvdtoolbox 0.13.2 I take it?

                    Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap.
           DVDShrink | DVDFAB | InstantCopy | DVD2DVD guides


                    • robinmthomas
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Jun 2002
                      • 13

                      I used PowerDVD to look at the video after I re-did it the second time and it still showed the blips/jumps.

                      On a hunch, I burned it to DVD anyway, and it works fine with no problems or quality issues.

                      So...the problem lies with PowerDVD.

                      Your page has been very helpful, but mostly your suggestion to use DVDToolBox.

                      There is no reason to mess with anything else. I am not one who needs to see the extras more than once.

                      You seem to be pretty versed in this stuff.
                      Here is my strategy:

                      For single layer DVDs

                      For dual layer with wide screen/full screen:
                      DVD Decrypter to hardrive, InstantCopy to remove second movie copy of the movie and reburn to 1 DVD+R

                      For dual layer in which the movie is just plain to long:
                      I use DVD Decytpter and then DVD Toolbox to burn to 2x DVD+R.
                      Last edited by robinmthomas; 15 May 2003, 05:19 AM.

