Loss of Wide Screen after Burning

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  • oilop
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2003
    • 16

    Loss of Wide Screen after Burning

    My ripping process goes as follows:

    1) Rip entire movie with DVD Decrypter
    2) If movie is slightly larger that 4.37GB I use DVD2One to shrink
    the movie and extract unwanted stuff(warnings, languages...)
    3) Burn with Nero

    The problem I am having is that although the ripped and shrunken movie plays fine with WinDVD (widescreen...) after I burn the DVD it only plays as "Full Screen" on my TV.

    My question is: How might I alter the IFO files to force this to widescreen only so that it will play as widescreen on my TV?


  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    If you DON'T have a widescreen television, try changing your standalone DVD player's setting to "4:3 Letterbox"...


    • oilop
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • May 2003
      • 16

      The funny thing is that some movies I've burned did play on my settop player in widescreen. I actually like this format much better. The settop player has an aspect ratio button to allow you to go from widescreen to full, but this button option only inlarges the "fullscreen" instead of getting it to "widescreen". The original DVD is widescreen which is what I want.



      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        "The funny thing is that some movies I've burned did play on my settop player in widescreen."

        Probably anamorphic widescreen 1.35:1, as opposed to conventional 16:9 widescreen...

        From what you've described, you may be in possession of the only standalone DVD player that DOESN'T have provision for selecting 4:3 letterbox format ;>}


        • oilop
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • May 2003
          • 16

          "From what you've described, you may be in possession of the only standalone DVD player that DOESN'T have provision for selecting 4:3 letterbox format ;>}"

          The button says "s.fit" and is described as a 3:2 pulldown. I have found it to work only to make a widescreen movie fit the screen. It doesn't make a fullscreen movie into a widecreen one.

          I am really looking for help if editing the ifo file to make the original widescreen movie play as a widescreen movie.



          • 15ace
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2003
            • 6

            I think this problem is the same as a problem I was going to post about.

            I have a 4:3 tv, with a letterbox setting to view widescreen films/programmes. This change from 4:3 to widescreen is triggered somehow by the DVD or broadcast, and I much prefer this style of presentation to changing the DVD player's settings to 4:3. Is there any way of triggering it with a VCD? This would save searching out our little used tv remote everytime!


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              To 15ace

              "Is there any way of triggering it with a VCD?"

              As far as I know, VCD output is FIXED, based on the format in which it was created...


              • oilop
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • May 2003
                • 16

                What leads me to believe it is something that can be edited, in IFOEdit or some similar program is that when I play a widescreen video on my set top player it plays in widescreen unless I use my
                3:2 dropdown button to force fullscreen, but when I backup a DVD as movie only using the tools described in my initial post, it play back as fullscreen.



                • Deus
                  Super Member
                  Super Member
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 284

                  I actually like this format much better
                  The format you are looking at is not really FullScreen its just a streached widescreen. To get actual full screan you would have to crop the video sides with a video editing program.


                  • oilop
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • May 2003
                    • 16

                    "The format you are looking at is not really FullScreen its just a streached widescreen."

                    You could be right about that. But why would this be? And best of all how do I fix it????



                    • oilop
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • May 2003
                      • 16

                      After playing both widescreen DVD's and DVD-RW's on both my friends DVD players I have found that even store bought widescreen DVD's that once were playable only play as stretched fullscreen on my player... it's broke! ...and in for repair


