Hi guys
Now that i have sussed out which are the best blank dvd disks around for my new sony 510a writer, I have a few further questions to expand my knowledge into the dvd world!
- firstly which software is the most easiest and quickest for ripping dvd movies and which software would you recommend for copying. (i currently use nero and find it pretty good) but i am not sure which is the best software around for ripping.
secondly - i have a few dvd's with video songs and the dvd's are over 4.7 in size. I want to reduce the size to 4.7 so i can ripp it just in one blank dvd. Whats the best way to do that? obvoiusly i would have to deselect some of the songs in order reduce.
finally are there any members who own a Sony dvp ns305 series dvd player like myself, and which blank dvds would they recommend to be played on this player -whichout any problems? and yes it is multiregionable.
thanks in advance
Now that i have sussed out which are the best blank dvd disks around for my new sony 510a writer, I have a few further questions to expand my knowledge into the dvd world!

- firstly which software is the most easiest and quickest for ripping dvd movies and which software would you recommend for copying. (i currently use nero and find it pretty good) but i am not sure which is the best software around for ripping.
secondly - i have a few dvd's with video songs and the dvd's are over 4.7 in size. I want to reduce the size to 4.7 so i can ripp it just in one blank dvd. Whats the best way to do that? obvoiusly i would have to deselect some of the songs in order reduce.
finally are there any members who own a Sony dvp ns305 series dvd player like myself, and which blank dvds would they recommend to be played on this player -whichout any problems? and yes it is multiregionable.
thanks in advance
