Can´t play my backups

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  • loocust
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 1

    Can´t play my backups

    I´ve made some backups of my DVD´s without any problem but since yesterday each Movie DVD I record can´t play on any DVD player even in the computer. I own a Pioneer A05 with the last firmware and use Nero to record the backup after compressing with DVDShrink or DVD2ONE.
    Nero always says that the recording was ok, most of the recordable DVD I use are "Datawrite 4X" and I´ve tried in ay speed with the same results, I didnt had any problems with this dvd´s before.
    Some of the backup can play but almost at the end of the movie the video pauses a lot and appears a lot of artifacts in the image.
    Why is happening this? could anybody help me?, thanks in advance.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Sounds like a media quality problem...


    • dgsgc
      DVD backerupper
      • Jun 2003
      • 310

      i have used loads of datawrite discs and had not 1 media playback problem

      have u tried a different burning program?
      Dave ~ DVD Shrink rules... no more Tmpeg for me


      • arctic silver
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2001
        • 43

        I have a question about playing backups.
        I bought the apex PD-650S portable dvd player and it cannot play backups made with DVDShrink 2.3 and Nero 5.5.10. But these disks can play on my panasonic home dvd player. I would think that if the backups can play on the panasonic, then it should play on the apex. Any ideas? Could it be a program thing with DVDShrink and / or Nero?


        • ddlooping
          Super Moderator
          • May 2003
          • 6849

          Hi all

          I too have been using Datawrite x4 for a while, and only had the occasional coaster.
          But, the last 5 backups I made were coasters, with image freezing.
          At 4X, 2X, 1X with Nero and PrimoDVD.

          Not having changed any hardware , I can only assume it is due to a bad batch of media.
          I will buy different ones next time.
          Last edited by ddlooping; 12 Jul 2003, 08:03 PM.
          Happy Shrinking!! ~ddlooping~
          For guides and downloads, please visit
          My "other" site: Teaching-Tools.


          • nwg
            Left *****
            • Jun 2003
            • 5196

            I have read reports that a lot of 4x media in both + and - formats are causing problems.

            I have never had a problem burning at 2.4x which is the fastest my burner will go. I use Datawrite 2.4x +R's.

            When I started burning with +R's that there was no test before burn option in Nero. Is that normal? There could be a lot less coasters if that was possible.


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              To arctic silver

              "I would think that if the backups can play on the panasonic, then it should play on the apex."

              There is absolutely no reason to assume that. Some standalone DVD players play only COMMERCIAL (pressed) DVDs. Some play DVD+Rs. Some play DVD-Rs. Most standalone DVD players are "finicky" about which BRANDS of burnable DVDs they'll recognize.

              For more information regarding the capabilities of your specific brands and models of standalone DVD playes, go to:



              • arctic silver
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Dec 2001
                • 43

                Thanks. I'd like to share this finding:

                I re-did the movie Detonator this time using smartripper, dvd2one, and nero 5.5.10. I am using ritek dvd-r 1X which I have been using all along. I put the fininished copy in my portable apex and it played. I then tried it in my stand alone panasonic and it played. I made another copy of Detonator with dvdshrink 2.3 and nero 5.5.10 and it did not work in the apex but worked in the panasonic. I'd hate to think that its the DVDShrink that is the cause. I'd prefer DVDShrink because of its options, preview screen, and that you don't have to rip the dvd first. Well, more experimenting I guess.


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  To arctic silver

                  (Although you haven't said so, I'm assuming that you've used both DVD2One and DVDShrink in IDENTICAL fashion - meaning you've simply compressed the ENTIRE DVD, without removing any streams or re-authoring in any way)

                  To focus in on the possible cause even further, I'd suggest another experiment:

                  Rip with Smartripper and use DVDShrink to compress the ripped copy residing on your hard drive. If the resultant DVD works on your Apex, then you'll know there's something in DVDShrink's ripping process that's at the root of your problem. Of course, if it too doesn't work in your Apex, you'll know there's something in DVDShrink's compression process that's at the root of your problem.


                  • wapazoid
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Jan 2003
                    • 15

                    Just to add a bit here:

                    You may also want to try a different burning mode, as earlier Nero versions have been noted to have many compatibility problems when burning in DVD-Video mode. It is true that some standalone players are finicky about media brands, and UDF partitions as well. Some players (even the newer ones) will have problems with DVD's burned in UDF 1.05 mode, which is what Nero's DVD-Video mode produces. If you're using Nero, try a different mode (UDF/ISO or UDF), with the latest version and make sure 1.02 is selected.


                    • jazzjeff
                      • Jul 2003
                      • 64

                      Originally posted by wapazoid
                      Just to add a bit here:

                      If you're using Nero, try a different mode (UDF/ISO or UDF), with the latest version and make sure 1.02 is selected.
                      Im using Nero Enterprise Edition.
                      When I burn backups dvd movies, I select DVD-Video mode.
                      Yet I do not see any option to change UDF mode to version 1.02
                      I can select DVD-Rom(UDF) mode and the default selected UDF is at 1.02
                      Any 1 have any info for me!


                      • wapazoid
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Jan 2003
                        • 15

                        Unfortunately, you cannot change UDF modes when burning discs in DVD-Video mode. For sensitive players, I've had success burning DVD's in UDF/ISO mode:

                        ISO tab settings:

                        ISO Level 1
                        ISO 9660
                        No Joliet
                        No Relaxed ISO Restrictions

                        UDF tab settings:

                        Physical Partition
                        UDF 1.02
                        No Forced DVD-Compatibility

                        *I've read that burning speeds exceeding 1x can have a negative impact on cheaper media, as pits can be burned into the disc, compromising playback quality (pauses, jitters, artifacts, etc.)

                        Good luck!


                        • wapazoid
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Jan 2003
                          • 15

                          When burning in UDF/ISO mode, don't forget to manually create the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders! Some people would disagree and say that only the VIDEO_TS folder is required, but both are needed on quite a few first generation players.


                          • shiny#3
                            Digital Video Master
                            Digital Video Master
                            • Jul 2003
                            • 1000

                            DO NOT CROSSPOST .
                            STICK TO THE THREAD TOPIC

                            to loocost:

                            This might be because of several reasons!!

                            1. did you upgrade Nero ...
                            if so restore to old version.

                            2. did you use other DVD Rs?
                            use exactly the same as before. ( they may have changed
                            also. I have learned today that Victor DVD-R disk is worth a try)

                            3.did you install any additional software or drivers?
                            Remove any software you installed since the last successful
                            copy. retry copying and install your software step by step again.
                            this may help you to detemine what went wrong.
                            If you have a fine working system it might also be a good idea
                            to make a copy oft that system configuration time by time,
                            so you can restore anytime something goes wrong!!

                            good luck!!


                            • wapazoid
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Jan 2003
                              • 15

                              STICK TO THE THREAD TOPIC
                              Seems to me that all posts on this thread are relevant to the topic. Are you a moderator?
                              Last edited by wapazoid; 1 Aug 2003, 06:03 AM.

