Unable to playback DVD+R

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  • argellix
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2003
    • 4

    Unable to playback DVD+R

    I'm totally puzzled with my first few attempts to burn DVDs.

    On my first try I extracted a show (Tori Amos concert) out of my pana replay 200 series. Just for proof of concept I used DVDLab to author a DVD out of it, created quick chapter points and menus and burned a DVD using the roxio CD Creator that came w/ the burner (can't recall the brand but it's a nec engine). I used this Optimum brand blanks I got at Staples.

    Everything worked fairly cool. Although with an minor audio synch issue, the DVD plays at home in my pana RV31 as well as my laptop (teac 28e DVD ROM w/ PowerDVD)

    That's the last DVD+R I was ever able to play at the home player.

    I used womble to edit comercials out of the show, then DVDLab to make a more decent set of chapters and better looking menus, burned with roxio again and the result works great (audio synch fixed) on 3 different PCs with both WINDVD and PowerDVD but the pana RV31 won't take it (same exact Optimum media)

    Seven different online guides say the rv31 supports both +R and +RW, so I tried two different brands of +RW but no luck. They work on the PCs that I have that support the +RW media but not at home.

    Then I backed up a comercial DVD with DVDShrink 2.3 keeping everything and burned a DVD5 once again using the roxio CD Creator on the Optimum blank. Same results. The disc works great (including multiangle features) on all three PCs w/ either WINDVD or PowerDVD but not at home in the pana.

    All discs have the blank AUDIO_TS folder, video files in the VIDEO_TS and all file names and disc label in capitals.

    I know I need to do more tests, but I think this is what I should focus on:

    - Burning speed (I used 2.4 but I can't tell for sure on the one that worked).
    - Different brand of blanks. (strange because it worked once)
    - Different burning software (strange again since roxio worked once)

    any additional ideas would be greatly appreciated...
    Last edited by argellix; 4 Aug 2003, 06:54 AM.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "All discs have the blank AUDIO_TS folder, video files in the VIDEO_TS and all file names and disc label in capitals."

    Perhaps a silly question but, by "video files in the VIDEO_TS", you are putting ALL of the files (.IFOs, .BUPs, and .VOBs) into the "VIDEO_TS" folder, aren't you?

    If that's not the problem, I'd suggest you try NERO for burning - using the "DVD-Video" mode...


    • argellix
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2003
      • 4

      Yes, all .IFOs and .BUPs are there, and they seem to have been cut fine since all menu features work as expected when I play these discs on a PC. I guess I'll have to give that Nero a try.


      • argellix
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2003
        • 4

        This forum rules! I've been on other forums and people are always great and very helpful, but I find people here overly friendly. Thanks all for the help!

        All right, here's what I found.

        I tried the eval version of Nero and it didn't cut it. I burned a shrunk copy of a comercial dvd and it didn't even work on the same drive it was cooked. This was using a +RW disc, and selecting the video mode of Nero as suggested. The results, no menus, and the movie would play the first three or four chapters then freeze. Keep in mind that the movie plays fine from the hard drive, menus and all.

        The good thing about Nero is that with the info tool I realized that the only DVD I was ever able to play at home on the pana rv31 was burned using DVDLab (I didn't remember that but now it rings a bell) So I tried using DVD Lab for burning two DVDs, the shrunk copy of the commercial and my edited copy of the Tori Amos concert exrtacted from the ReplayTV. I used two different brands of +RW and they both work! They work (menus and all) on the burning unit, they work at home on the pana, and they even work on my laptop that was never able to read any video or data +RW media before. (+Rs always worked great on the laptop)

        So now I wonder, what is it that DVD Lab is doing differently than Nero of Roxio? Or maybe more like... what settings am I missing in Nero and Roxio to match the results of DVD lab?

        I know one solution would be to only use DVD lab but I would like to have better understanding of the different options. DVDLab is more geared for video projects but now that I learned that my laptop can read +RWs if cut properly, I got a huge open door of possibilities for work data back-ups.



        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          This is from DVDLab's "Help" files:

          "It is common that you get a recording software with your DVD-R/DVD+R burner which may be better optimized for your drive. DVD-lab module is a general ASPI writing application but either one should work equally good if we live in an ideal world."

          In your situation, it seems like just the reverse is true - namely, DVDLab's burning software works best with your burner.

          The most important thing is that you've overcome your problem ;>}


          • Oriphus
            Digital Video Technician
            Digital Video Technician
            • Aug 2003
            • 405

            Have you tried the Record Now Deluxe program for doing it with Adaptec ASPI layers installed. I read above somewhere that all DVD R's should contain an VIDEO_TS and and AUDIO_TS folder. How many of you actually use an AUDIO_TS folder when buring a DVD Movie DVD R? I dont, since it is only there for soundtracks or DVD Audio. I've read in otehr places that people have found it not working in their DVD players without this folder. Strange....


            • argellix
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Aug 2003
              • 4

              No, I haven't tried Record Now yet. I pretty much narrowed my particular case to a problem with the settings while burning rather than the folder structure. For now I'm going to stick to DVDLab since it seems to be doing the trick and I'm not so sure I want to disrupt whatever ASPI layer I currently have. Thanks for the advise though, I might check it out at a later time...


              • shiny#3
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Jul 2003
                • 1000

                " I've been on other forums and people are always great and very helpful, but I find people here overly friendly. "

                I know that this is off topic
                but.. "being kind and friendly is the most worthy jewel of a king"

                my mother used to say


                • Oriphus
                  Digital Video Technician
                  Digital Video Technician
                  • Aug 2003
                  • 405

                  Let me know if you still get the same problems with record now


                  • bitofhog
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 2

                    I find this all very interesting because I have had the same problems and have not found the magic pill yet. I wonder if all your problems would be solved with DVD-R. Have you done any experimenting with the -R format?

