I burned my first DVD-backup recently, and I had default settings in Nero 6 (Joliet on for example), and it worked fine in my dvd-burner on my pc.
Then I today saw in a nice tutorial that Joliet shall NOT be selected, and some other things like the options under "Relax ISO Restrictions" should also all be off it said, and at least two of them are on by default in Nero 6 when selecting DVD-Video.
If its supposed to be off when burning dvd-video, why is it then on by default in Nero?
And what difference does those settings do? Is it first when you watch the dvd in a real dvd-video that things might happen or what?
Please explain, so I know what settings to really use, or if it wont matter at all
Then I today saw in a nice tutorial that Joliet shall NOT be selected, and some other things like the options under "Relax ISO Restrictions" should also all be off it said, and at least two of them are on by default in Nero 6 when selecting DVD-Video.
If its supposed to be off when burning dvd-video, why is it then on by default in Nero?
And what difference does those settings do? Is it first when you watch the dvd in a real dvd-video that things might happen or what?
Please explain, so I know what settings to really use, or if it wont matter at all
