Help DVD to DVD-R With Chapter Compression Feature

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  • nuke888
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 5

    Help DVD to DVD-R With Chapter Compression Feature

    Ok Have used the amazin easter egg thats compressing single chapters,but since I have to move the entire movie to the reauthoring win how can I keep all the menus and things ?Since in reauthoring, it just resize the main movie to dvd-r capacity, and I dunno at the end, how to add the extras and menu stuff, along with the chapter compression.I l think It would be an amazing thing havin all the options in one, allowin to delete eg: menus you dont want (where there are multilanguage copies of same menus) take out the unnecessary things like audio subs etc etc and then applying chapters compression(thats now allowed in reauthoiring conditions) Eg still immages end credits etc etc
    In particular I have this Gladiator Dvd i would like to leave only Italian Menus(coz there are clones of it for English and Spanish)
    and do a differentiate chapters compression for the main movie and have finally a result backup with ita menus and differentiate compression chapters for main movie....
    anyhelp is welcomed cozI need to do that asap..........
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    (I assume you're question is related to DVD Shrink. For future reference, you should post such questions in the DVD Shrink-specific sub-forums here)

    Presently, if you "Re-author", you cannot preserve the DVD's menu...


    • maa
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2002
      • 49

      Here you go - read from this thread down, it shows two methods if you don't mind a bit of IfoEdit and the like :

      Guide to adding a shortened "Shrunk" film back into the original DVD structure.


      • DVDIdiot
        Gold Member
        Gold Member
        • Oct 2002
        • 113

        it's easier just to just DVD2ONE or DVDSHRINK
        DVD Step-by-Step Guides

