split dvd9

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  • kcella
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2003
    • 8

    split dvd9

    I have tried several programs to split my DVD9 into 2 DVD5s. When I used DVDFab it gave me an error about being unable to find the chapter and IFOEdit caused an error and never finished processing (i believe this is a winxp problem). I also tried DVDXCopy and it completely screwed it up, i lost a DVDR with that program. Does anyone know of another easy to use dvd splitting tool? I don't want to compress because of the loss in quality.

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Have you tried first "ripping" (eliminate copy protection and then copy) the DVD to your hard drive, using DVD Decrypter?

    Make certain to set DVD Decrypter to "File" mode and from the "Edit" dropdown menu, select "ALL files" (NOT "movie files").


    • Oriphus
      Digital Video Technician
      Digital Video Technician
      • Aug 2003
      • 405

      TMPGEnc DVD Author will allow you to select the VOBs that you have ripped and generate the a new DVD. You can select half of them and then generated an output. Do the same for the second set of VOBs. This will enable a split DVD.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        To Oriphus

        You're "blowing smoke" once again - and it's (again) unfair to posters such as "kcella" who may take what you say as fact, when it's not:

        1) You're suggestion is sure to disappoint "kcella", who is apparently looking to split an ENTIRE DVD9 (This means ALL contents) onto two burnable DVD5s - Because, as you SHOULD know (but apparently don't), TMPGEnc DVD Author will only generate DVD "packages" that contain only one audiostream and no subtitles!

        2) You're dreaming if you think TMPGEnc DVD Author will fully accept as initial input for a DVD anything other than the FIRST .VOB of a TITLE (or, of course, a full DVD). Try it yourself and you'll see that the vast majority of the time, the program will either reject the .VOB (e.g. "VTS_01_3.VOB") outright, or will indicate audio to be "unspecified" - meaning you'll generate a silent file

        Please don't mislead new posters with silly misinformation...
        Last edited by setarip; 6 Oct 2003, 01:33 PM.


        • shanea1

          I use Clone DVD with AnyDVD and I can copy DVD9 easy.But I am a beginner at burning DVDs.I have got a NEC +- burner it had Nero with it but I dont use it.


          • Oriphus
            Digital Video Technician
            Digital Video Technician
            • Aug 2003
            • 405

            Please don't mislead new posters with silly misinformation...
            Setarip - You wanna stop being an asehole all the time. It works fine. I use TMPGEnc DVDAuthro to split DVD-9 in half. All you do is load half of the VOB files in and hey presto. Sound problems only ever seem to arise when joining two movies, not when splitting. And im entitled to my own opinion on things. For all you know this user may not want to keep manu etc....

            Grow up Setarip, your not the big boy in the real world. Just another computer nerd who thigns they are smart.


            • shiny#3
              Digital Video Master
              Digital Video Master
              • Jul 2003
              • 1000

              to kcella:

              I am not quite sure what you mean by an easy way....
              but since yourmain aspect is to not compress the video for
              quality maintenance I suggest to try out DVDshrink 3.05 beta
              along with the splitting guide on www.dvdshrink.info

              this will leave you with a set of dvdfiles where the first dvd
              contains part of the main movie (or complete if it is smaller than
              4.36 GB) and the second disk containing the rest of the movie along with the extras......

              visit the site and check if it meets your needs.... good luck!!


              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                To Oriphus

                You're still blowing smoke by saying, "For all you know this user may not want to keep manu etc....".

                "kcella" simply stated that he/she is trying to split a DVD9 onto two burnable DVDs and describes the efforts made to attempt to accomplish this.

                If you CAREFULLY re-read what I wrote about TMPGEnc DVD Author (and are adult enough to admit it), you'll see that your suggestion is misleading for several reasons - and that you didn't state what would be LOST (alternate languages, subtitles), even if your methodology was successful.

                As to your personal attack on me, I'd suggest that you should be VERY careful about the use of profanity...


                • admin
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 8964

                  Please calm down ... it's just DVD backup we're discussing, not politics or something.
                  Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


                  • kcella
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Jun 2003
                    • 8


                    I was able to split the dvd9 using dvdshrink, but it had no menus on either disc. is there a way to add the menu each disc with dvdshrink?



                    • setarip
                      • Dec 2001
                      • 24955

                      "is there a way to add the menu each disc with dvdshrink?"

                      Unfortunately, no...

                      However, if you'd like, you CAN use "TMPGEnc DVD Author" (different than TMPGEnc) or DVDLab to create your own menus for the DVD Shrink-created DVDs...
                      Last edited by setarip; 7 Oct 2003, 01:27 PM.


                      • shanea1

                        Originally posted by Oriphus
                        Setarip - You wanna stop being an asehole all the time. It works fine. I use TMPGEnc DVDAuthro to split DVD-9 in half. All you do is load half of the VOB files in and hey presto. Sound problems only ever seem to arise when joining two movies, not when splitting. And im entitled to my own opinion on things. For all you know this user may not want to keep manu etc....

                        Grow up Setarip, your not the big boy in the real world. Just another computer nerd who thigns they are smart.
                        You dont have to be a prick all of your life Dick head you dont now me ass hole.


                        • fengtao
                          • Mar 2002
                          • 124

                          Hi Kevin,

                          Have you tried the latest version of DVDFab 1.00 Beta1 at http://www.dvdfab.com, it should can find the split point now.

                          Best Regards,
                          DVD Region+CSS Free - Remove any DVD copy protection, such as Region, CSS, Sony ARccOS, etc.
                          DVDFab - DVD copy software, copy DVD to DVDR perfectly!
                          DVDIdle - Extend lifetime of your DVD drive!


                          • kcella
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Jun 2003
                            • 8

                            new dvfab version

                            thanks fengtao -- the new version of DVDFab worked perfectly! Exactly what I wanted.

