DVD-RW stopped burning DVD-R, but DVD-RW are still OK

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  • burner777
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 7

    DVD-RW stopped burning DVD-R, but DVD-RW are still OK

    Hi all,

    A very bizarre story, my DVD-RW Toshiba SD-R5002 that bee working nicely for about four months stopped burning DVD-R successfully! ( Nero says done - success) after that the media cannot be read. The bizarre part of the story is that DVD-RW are being burned just fine, so CD-RW(R) media.

    Please help.
  • Oriphus
    Digital Video Technician
    Digital Video Technician
    • Aug 2003
    • 405

    What version of Nero are you using? I think Nero addressed a similar issue that was happening in an earlier Nero 5.5.10.xx, but with and higher it shouldnt happen. Ask Nero about this www.nero.com


    • burner777
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 7

      Thanks for replying, I use Nero 6 Ultra Edition, latest and greatest, I still having this problem - I have to use pricy DVD-RW for my data. It seems that it's all is caused by my burner - laser DVD-R mode is not working right ( just guessing )


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        1) Try reducing the burn speed for the DVD-Rs

        2) Run a DVD/CD cleaning disc on the burner. Maxell makes one that retails for approximately $10US...


        • burner777
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 7

          Hmm. Good idea about cleaning the burner itself ( I was quit enthusiastic about it, but I'll try). I'm already as low as 1x on writing DVD-RW(R), However! CD-RW(R) writing is blazingly fast!

          Well, Let's do cleaning first. - Thanks!


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955


            My pleasure ;>}


            • Oriphus
              Digital Video Technician
              Digital Video Technician
              • Aug 2003
              • 405

              Be careful which type of burning disc you use as some (less quality ones) could actually damage the lens or de-focus it.


              • burner777
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2003
                • 7

                Your comment is rather scarred me - I had in use really cheap DVD-Rs, However all other media types were Verbatim. Currently, I have Verbatim DVD-R media which is not working. I'm not quit understand how it could get defocused ( the lens plastic could get melted ), the fact remains the same - all works expect DVD-R. The drive most likely will be promoted to master back-up XX-RW(R) only, and a new one will be purchased, but I need a solid one. Any suggestions on what is a good reliable DVD burner could be.



                • Oriphus
                  Digital Video Technician
                  Digital Video Technician
                  • Aug 2003
                  • 405

                  Sorry, my comment meant to say Cleaning disc, not burning disc. Sorry for scaring you. What i meant was that there are different methods of cleaning the lens, alcohol based methods and fibres on a CD are the most common, just make sure you buy a good branded one like the one Setarip recommends


                  • burner777
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Oct 2003
                    • 7

                    Here is what I found: Memorex CD cleaner $9 and Maxell CD 340 Kit for $17. Have anyone tried the first $9 one.



                    • setarip
                      • Dec 2001
                      • 24955

                      You want to find one that SPECIFICALLY states "DVD" or "DVD/CD", NOT simply CD...


                      • Oriphus
                        Digital Video Technician
                        Digital Video Technician
                        • Aug 2003
                        • 405

                        Yes, that is because the one for DVD/CD uses micro "Soft" fibres for cleaning the discs since a DVD lens is a lot more sensitive than that of a CD.


                        • burner777
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 7

                          Hi all,

                          Well, I got the optic cleaned with a help if Maxell. Got DVD-R Verbatim blanks - and still not working ( even used a different soft to burn the disk). I guess, my original thought about DVD-R laser mode has got -ed - need a new burner.

                          Thank you for helping me with the issue.



                          • setarip
                            • Dec 2001
                            • 24955

                            "need a new burner."

                            Sorry to hear that.

                            You might want to firstcheck to see if your present burner is repairable (at a reasonable cost)...

