I have a little problem with this question: "Which DVD R to use? + or - ?"
If someone could help me I would like to know wich of these is the best one to record, the differences, the DVD players where they play the best (brands like SONY, PHILIPS)
For egxample I can only play DVD+R in my SONY DVD Player. but in my Philips DVD Player I can play DVD+R and DVD-R.. but then, my friend can't play DVD+R in his SONY DVD Player.. Odd!
Tiago Cabaço.
If someone could help me I would like to know wich of these is the best one to record, the differences, the DVD players where they play the best (brands like SONY, PHILIPS)
For egxample I can only play DVD+R in my SONY DVD Player. but in my Philips DVD Player I can play DVD+R and DVD-R.. but then, my friend can't play DVD+R in his SONY DVD Player.. Odd!

Tiago Cabaço.