I'm running Windows 2000 Pro, ServicePack 4
CPU AMD Athlon 2.2Ghz 800megs DDR ram 40 Main HD/80 Sec. HD
NEC NC-1300A (Firmware 1.8)
Nero 6 Version
Message showing up when trying to create a data DVD only I want to just make data formats only, but it tells me in Nero: Illegal disk & Could not perform disk at once, burn failed at 2.4x
Is this a problen with the software, drive or the blank DVD's them selves? Any help is greatly appreciated as I just started reciently to want to use the enhanced space available
CPU AMD Athlon 2.2Ghz 800megs DDR ram 40 Main HD/80 Sec. HD
NEC NC-1300A (Firmware 1.8)
Nero 6 Version
Message showing up when trying to create a data DVD only I want to just make data formats only, but it tells me in Nero: Illegal disk & Could not perform disk at once, burn failed at 2.4x
Is this a problen with the software, drive or the blank DVD's them selves? Any help is greatly appreciated as I just started reciently to want to use the enhanced space available
