Unrecoverable Read Error

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  • GaryJ73167
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2004
    • 41

    Unrecoverable Read Error

    I have recently come across a very strange error , and, I am hoping that someone in this forum can offer me some suggestions.

    I recently made a backup of "Cold Creek Manor". I put the movie in my DVD player , and all worked well.

    Here is where the fun starts : I bought myself a portable DVD player recently , so, I wanted to make another backup (of my Backup) , so I can take the movie on the road with me.

    Well, when I tried to backup the backup (hope you are still following me) . it came up with a Unrecoverable read error. (I used Roxio 6 - Disc copy option to copy it). Roxio 6 has ALWAYS WORKED doing this until recently.

    When I saw this error, I found that it was very odd because the disc didnt have a scratch or fingerprint on it. I tried 2 different DVD drives on my computer, and even tried my wifes computer. Nothing would get past this error.

    This is when I found out that if I run the copy through DVD shrink again , it will copy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, Doesent it seem that DVD Shrink may have copied the copy protection along with the disc?

    Since this happened, I also ran into the same problem with "The Jackal".

    Something I want to mention - I recently (Within the past 2 weeks when this error started) formatted my hard drive. I am not sure if there is some type of driver I may have left out, but, this is stumping me.

    This is the equipmant and software I am using:

    Dell P4 2.4 Ghz
    1 Gig Ram
    I/O Mega 8X Burner
    Windows XP Home
    Roxio 6
    DVD Shrink (Not sure which version though. It must be an earlier one, but never had any problems before)

    Any help that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.


    Gary (GaryJ73167@Adelphia.Net)
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Try letting DVD Decrypter read the problematic burned DVDs.

    If it also fails, carefully read the information log that is generated...
    Last edited by setarip; 16 Mar 2004, 10:11 AM.


    • GaryJ73167
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2004
      • 41

      That is the part that is so Bizzare

      DVD Decryptor will read the disc fine. as a matter of fact, i can use DVD shrink again to make another copy. It is almost like the DVD still has the copy protection on it. This makes no sense to me.

      Any ideas?

      Can it be that when I formatted the hard drive I lost something (something I dont remember?)

      Because, the only copys that this happened to, are the ones that I did since the format. I have had some strange things happen before, but, this is one of the strangest.

      Could it be the version of DVD shrink I am using? I think it is only 3.1

      Please advise.



      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        Don't drive yourself crazy, as long as you have alternative solutions (as already discussed).

        1) Roxio's software has "less than a sterling reputation".

        2) If you have both Roxio and NERO on your system, be advised that they do NOT peacefully co-exist. I'd keep NERO and
        completely uninstall Roxio...

        3) Your odd event has nothing to do with copy protection...


        • GaryJ73167
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2004
          • 41

          ok....I will uninstall Roxio completely. But, do you think that this will solve my problem? The reason that this is getting me so aggrivated, is, this always worked before...with the extact software that is on my computer, and, now, all of the sudden, it is no longer working with DVD's I burned recently. I just find it very odd.

          I even tried to make the copy with Nero 6 Ultra. And, right about the same point (86%), it reported that the copy failed.

          Yet, when I load it back into DVD shrink or DVD decryptor, no problems at all. it backs up. It is just that it takes so much longer to do it that way.

          Could it be that by co-incidence that those 2 discs do have some kind of deep problem? (I am really digging now...lol). I am just slowly running out of ideas.



          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955


            Don't drive yourself crazy, as long as you have alternative solutions (as already discussed).

