hey guys
want to back up my imax dvd collection & save them compressed on my hard drive (my comp is hooked up to TV)
to save disk space, i want to make my vob files into either xvid or divx avi's
1. which is the better compression format.
2. how do i easily convert them.
getting some weird errors trying different software that i have.
a: making vobs into mpeg through TMPG DVD author, then mpeg to divx/xvid using TMPG yeilds a few errors ie garbled playback, no sound. movie length reports half its time but plays past the time reading.
also have vdub & mpeg mediator but havent tried using them yet
any help would be appreciated
want to back up my imax dvd collection & save them compressed on my hard drive (my comp is hooked up to TV)
to save disk space, i want to make my vob files into either xvid or divx avi's
1. which is the better compression format.
2. how do i easily convert them.
getting some weird errors trying different software that i have.
a: making vobs into mpeg through TMPG DVD author, then mpeg to divx/xvid using TMPG yeilds a few errors ie garbled playback, no sound. movie length reports half its time but plays past the time reading.
also have vdub & mpeg mediator but havent tried using them yet
any help would be appreciated
