Ifoedit Question

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  • Smokinzx6r
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2004
    • 6

    Ifoedit Question

    In the DVD Backup guide..It give instructions to make the movie start right away on Disk 2.

    Here is the part of the guide I am asking about.

    Make the second disc start the movie playback automatically

    This step will make the second disc start automatically playing the main movie, as opposed to going to the menu. Doing this in IfoEdit is actually quite easy :

    Start IfoEdit and open the VIDEO_TS.IFO file from disc 2

    We will first try to find out which title the main movie correspond to. Look in the lower of the two IfoEdit windows and look at the "Number of Title Play Maps:" listing. The title with the most chapters is usually the title that contains the main movie (or you can find out know how many chapters the main movie contains, and find the corresponding title number). Remembers this title number (for the screenshot below, the title number is 1).

    Finding the main movie's title number

    This last part is where I am having trouble. In my list of Title play maps..I have 3 titles that all have 99 chapters. How do I tell which one is the one I want??

    Hope you can help..

  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Have a look at the actual VTS_*.VOB files on your hard-drive - the set of files that are the largest in size is usually the main movie (eg. if VTS_01_*.VOB is the largest set, then it's the main movie).
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    • MackemX
      Gold Member
      Gold Member
      • Apr 2003
      • 128

      do you have PowerDVD as you can play the DVD and it will tell you which title is the movie. Other players to try is Marks Tray DVD player or Ifoedit as they also tell you which title is playing

      it sounds as if it may be a linked PGC movie and therefore you would have to update all 3

      99 chapters is rather a lot of chapters though, what movie is it?
      MackemX's DVDRemake Page with Guides


      • The Maynard
        Super Member
        Super Member
        • Jan 2003
        • 253

        Look at the VTS files on the disc. Which ever one has the most is the movie. ie VTS 1_01 through VTS 1_05 or higher. If it's VTS 1 then it's TITLE 1.


        • Smokinzx6r
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2004
          • 6

          Ah..Ok. I'll have a look. Thanks for the replys people. I really appreciate it.

          The Movie is The Matrix. The first one. Cheers It has 38 chapters. But one of the pgc's say the right lenght of the movie but has 99 chapters. I am lost.lol


          • MackemX
            Gold Member
            Gold Member
            • Apr 2003
            • 128

            lol, I thought it may be the Matrix

            is it the PAL version?

            VTS 02 contains the movie on my disk and VTS_02/Title 1 is the PGC that plays if I choose Play on the menu

            the other PGC's are for the extras such as the White Rabbit etc so I would just use PGC 1 in VTS_02 to start Disc 2
            MackemX's DVDRemake Page with Guides

