Again, I'll ask you,
"Now Im getting an error about the VOB."
What software is generating the error?
"Dosent each VOB have to have its own IFO and BUP?"
No - Each SERIES of .VOBs (e.g. VTS_01_1.VOB...VTS_01_7.VOB) must have one .IFO and one .BUP...
"Failed to open file ...\Video_ts\VTS_01_0.VOB. The System cannot find specified File"
Your list does NOT include this file. You'll probably have to use IFOEdit to correct the .IFO and .BUP files...
"Now Im getting an error about the VOB."
What software is generating the error?
"Dosent each VOB have to have its own IFO and BUP?"
No - Each SERIES of .VOBs (e.g. VTS_01_1.VOB...VTS_01_7.VOB) must have one .IFO and one .BUP...
"Failed to open file ...\Video_ts\VTS_01_0.VOB. The System cannot find specified File"
Your list does NOT include this file. You'll probably have to use IFOEdit to correct the .IFO and .BUP files...