Pioneer 107D

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  • bensboss8
    • Jun 2004
    • 52

    Pioneer 107D

    Hello all,

    Long time no speak and thanks to those who helped me last time I was on. Turned out my problems were all down to a dicky hard drive.

    On to business. I believe that some DVD burners can be modded to burn dual layer 8.5 discs with a firmware upgrade.
    Is this so? If so can this be done to my Pioneer 107D?

    One more question. Can the 'change region 5 times' counter be reset. I've only set the region once but the thoght of not being able to is annoying.

    Thanks in advance.
  • Tootle
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2004
    • 5

    I've just bought that very model second-hand from ebay, and the vendor claims it has been modded to do just that (burn dual layer). It also has the rip-rate cap removed and is de-regionalised (was region 2), apparently. Haven't received it yet, so I can't verify, but it sounds like it's possible at least. I'll try and find out where he got the firmware from.


    • cynthia
      Super Moderatress
      • Jan 2004
      • 14278

      Here is a good forum for firmware;


      • bensboss8
        • Jun 2004
        • 52

        Thanks for the responses.
        Tootle, I will be very interested in your findings when your Ebay drive arrives.
        If I'm not being too nosey, can I have the completed item no, so I can look at it and/or contact the vendor to quiz him and save you the bother.
        Many thanks


        • Tootle
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2004
          • 5

          Sure Bensboss, the item number is 5121492459

          Still haven't received it, so can't comment on the quality. The link that Cynthia posted is a good place to start.


          • bensboss8
            • Jun 2004
            • 52

            Hi Tootle,

            Did your ebay drive arrive Ok?
            Have you had a play with it yet and if so, with what results?
            Burning 8.5 with just a firmware update would be great.
            Incidentally, my 107D burns 4X Ridiscs at 8X when I let Decrypter burn with all settings at default. Is this usual and am I risking a nice new set of coasters?

