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  • dum8a55
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2004
    • 4


    Recently purchased an LG multi-format burner, dual layer capable. Also recently purchased some dual layer media(Verbatim dvd+r dl). Have backed of scads of dvd's from my collection, both old and new, whether had to re-author or not, always good quality audi and video and always worked. Today, i tried to backup The Punisher to a dual layer disc. wont play in my standalone, or in power dvd on my pc. when i try t open the disc with shrink, it says that dvdshrink cannot continue and says invalid dvd navigation structure. As these discs are costly ($15.00 Canadian), i am not willing to try again unless i can understand why this happened. I decrypted the dvd with decrypter and then used dvd shrink as i always have, except i obviously chose the dvd9 option to make a complete backup with no compression. So why would the navigation structure be faulty in the folder dvd decrypter made???(only reason i can think why i had this problem)

    thanks in anticipation of a solution
  • ormonde
    Digital Video Explorer
    • Dec 2003
    • 3735

    "So why would the navigation structure be faulty in the folder dvd decrypter made???"

    You may have a "Scratched" or Dirty" original DVD. Try "Cleaning" the disk.


    • dum8a55
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2004
      • 4

      wow quick

      thanks for the speedy reply ormonde. i dont have the dvd on hand, as it is on loan to a friend. i guess the file on my hdd is corrupt and unusable then???


      • ormonde
        Digital Video Explorer
        • Dec 2003
        • 3735

        "i guess the file on my hdd is corrupt and unusable then???

        You stated in your initial post that you had attempted to play the file with PowerDVD with no success - that's not a good sign.


        • dum8a55
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2004
          • 4

          clearing things up

          Ok, i may have mislead you. the file on my hdd plays fine, however the backup just made on the ridiculously expesnive dual layer disc will not operate in a standalone or my power dvd.

          Also, the error(invalid dvd navigation structure) is what comes up if i try to open the copy i just made with dvdshrink and nero6(full licensed version)


          • ormonde
            Digital Video Explorer
            • Dec 2003
            • 3735

            "however the backup just made on the ridiculously expesnive dual layer disc will not operate in a standalone or my power dvd.

            I hate to say it, but it is possible that you might have a "Bad" disk. It is certainly plausible to have one or more faulty disks within a batch. Have you tried playing other backups with this same dual-layered media on your standalone, and have they played OK?


            • dum8a55
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2004
              • 4

              first try

              this is my first try using dual layer media. i thought it would be easier than trying to split to 2 discs. have the helpfile printed out for that, but never got it to work. so out of a package of 3 discs, one is bad???...geez, for the price of them, you would think they would have better quality control. i am afraid to try another, because of the cost. that would make it $30.00 canadian to make 1 backup of a $25.00 original
              but i dont see where dual layer backup is any different from 1 layer, except dual should be easier, as no reauthoring or compresiion needs to be done


              • ormonde
                Digital Video Explorer
                • Dec 2003
                • 3735

                "i thought it would be easier than trying to split to 2 discs."

                As an experiment, try either "Splitting" the film onto two disks, or simply backing up to one disk (with compression). Since your burner is "Multi-format", you can use a (+/- RW) disk to check the output - you can always erase the disk if something goes wrong. Also, since you mentioned you are having problems with "The Punisher", the following thread could contain some helpful information:


                • lgha
                  Digital Video Technician
                  Digital Video Technician
                  • Mar 2004
                  • 466

                  If you used DVDDecryptor to rip the dvd to the harddrive why are you using DVDShrink for anything? Why are you not just burning with Nero (I assume that is what came with burner) to the DVD9? You started with a DVD9 and you're putting it on a DVD9. What am I missing here?


                  • Floppy

                    Hi there everyone

                    When you play a movie from you HDD Power DVD creates a file called default.pls (just like that)

                    You must delete this file B4 burning the film to a DVD otherwise, well, you know.

