Message for Floppy

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  • Floppy

    Originally posted by Cassbowen
    Deep stuff!

    Could you please NOT mention food tho. Started my diet yesterday and I am just about getting to to point where I might considerate eating all the coasters that I prepared a few weeks ago.

    Cass (nibbling on half a lettuce leaf)
    LOL I knew youd be a bunny a cute wittle bunny wabbit...


    • Floppy

      Originally posted by Salis
      Hi Floppy
      Thanks for the information. I checked the site you mentioned, and it is the half the price of the original. Defenitly I will go for it when I finish the the present ones.
      I already voted for your poll before I came to this thread
      your welcome

      Always glad to be of help

      Thanks for the vote 2, every one counts.... in favour or against all I care is that everyone votes.

      Good things


      • Cassbowen
        • Sep 2004
        • 54

        Originally posted by Floppy
        LOL I knew youd be a bunny a cute wittle bunny wabbit...

        You are so easily fooled. There's nothing cute about me. I am a fire breathing dragon. Be afraid, be very afraid.


        • Floppy

          Originally posted by Cassbowen
          You are so easily fooled. There's nothing cute about me. I am a fire breathing dragon. Be afraid, be very afraid.
          The world belongs to the fools and one man's hell may be another mans paradise...
          Last edited by Guest; 28 Oct 2004, 02:39 AM.


          • Cassbowen
            • Sep 2004
            • 54

            Ooh Grasshopper. Confuse me with your anwers you do.


            • Floppy

              Read in between the lines...

              Look beneath the apparent and deep within the true self... There you will find answers to all your questions.

              It seems to me you trying to blow smoke to cover your true self...


              • Cassbowen
                • Sep 2004
                • 54

                Originally posted by Floppy

                It seems to me you trying to blow smoke to cover your true self...
                I'll take a long deep look into my inner self and get back to you with my findings.


                I can't think of a witty reply at the moment, it's been a tiring day, so will get back to you when I come up with something hilarious. (Might be a while!)

