I'm rather new in this field, so forgive me if I don't use all the correct terms etc. My problem is as follows:
I want to backup Shrek and Shrek 2, using DVDShrink 3.2. I've been reading through a lot of threads concerning this specific DVD, but my problem seems to be unique. When I start the analysis, after about 1 or 2% I get an error:
DVD Shrink encountered an error an cannot continue. Failed to read file E:\ (my DVD player) Invalid acces to memory location (I translated this part from Dutch, so it might differ in the English version)
I've read a couple of more threads which mention this problem and the advice given is to use DVD Decrypter. When I decrypt the DVD and use the files with DVD Shrink, I get the same error message. I've tried all different kinds of advice given in the threads I've read, but none solve my problem.
I've also tried to shrink it with A4 DVD Shrinker. This one goes to 99.98% and than quits.
So it's a hard nut to crack, I assume. But of course someone is going to tell me it can be cracked, right?
I'm rather new in this field, so forgive me if I don't use all the correct terms etc. My problem is as follows:
I want to backup Shrek and Shrek 2, using DVDShrink 3.2. I've been reading through a lot of threads concerning this specific DVD, but my problem seems to be unique. When I start the analysis, after about 1 or 2% I get an error:
DVD Shrink encountered an error an cannot continue. Failed to read file E:\ (my DVD player) Invalid acces to memory location (I translated this part from Dutch, so it might differ in the English version)
I've read a couple of more threads which mention this problem and the advice given is to use DVD Decrypter. When I decrypt the DVD and use the files with DVD Shrink, I get the same error message. I've tried all different kinds of advice given in the threads I've read, but none solve my problem.
I've also tried to shrink it with A4 DVD Shrinker. This one goes to 99.98% and than quits.
So it's a hard nut to crack, I assume. But of course someone is going to tell me it can be cracked, right?
