Your kidding right?

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  • ToddKidder
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2004
    • 8

    Your kidding right?


    I have installed the following:
    DVD Decrypter
    DVD Shrink

    Now you guys are smarter than this right? I can not believe that you all (I am sure you don't........ right???) spend 45 minutes to an hour to first decrypt the DVD, then another 20 minutes getting the program ready to shrink, than an additional 45 minutes to an hour to shrink, and then another 45 minutes to an hour burning the DVD to a disk. This is just short of a very bad joke. You guys are kidding right?

    I need a "real" solution for making backup copies of DVD's that I purchased from my local Video BM rental store.

    I can not believe that there are fools out there that would spend 3 hours to make a copy of a DVD.

    Can someone give me a REAL solution that they have found to be reasonable as far as time spent. Please list your favorite method for backing up DVD's and burning to disk.

    Also state the time it takes you to use your favorite method.

    And maybe someone can explain to me why all the information found on a store bought DVD will not fit on a DVD that I want to burn to? This just seems about as stupid as it gets, that I should then have to weed through all the data to pull out content to leave off of my burn.

    Aren't there machines that will copy directly from one DVD to another at the push of a button?

    You guys need to enlighten me like a bunch. I passed p/o about a mile back, with all of this.

    Last edited by ToddKidder; 30 Nov 2004, 11:16 AM.
  • Special Agent
    Junior Member
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    • Nov 2004
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    Takes me little over 70 minutes or so with the old xp2100, 512g ram, Lite On LDW851S burning at 2.4x and using a slower JLMS JD166 reader even computer.

    Nothing, to use your overused word "stupid" about that.

    Put the original drive in the Reader, but the Blank DVD in the reader, load up DVDShrink, adjust some settings in DVDShrink, (takes a whole 5 minutes max)

    I use Re-Author mode, ripping only the main movie, English sound, remove end credits and I am on my way with one click of a button. Use Nero inside of DVDShrink to burn the DVD.

    I walk away and come back one TV show later. All done... Easy as pie.

    No fool here......



    • ToddKidder
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2004
      • 8

      Ok.... that sounds better.

      So you do NOT use DVD Decrypter?

      Let me try usind DVD Shrink only to rip the DVD. I too am only interested in the main movie and dd 5.1 and English.... and have made my Shrink settings accordingly.

      Lets see how this works.

      70 minutes I can handle.

      I am running a 2.4 Intel 1024 ram on a Toshiba burining as fast as it will burn (unfortunately only 2.4).
      Last edited by ToddKidder; 30 Nov 2004, 01:21 PM.


      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8964

        The quickest way to have a backup for your DVD may be to pop down to your local DVD store and buy another copy

        Otherwise, all other methods (including illegal ones like downloading it off the net) will take a long time. You could also get a dual layer burner and media and by-pass the shrinking process, but it may actually cost you more than buying a DVD when it's on sale.

        You probably weren't around when people were using FlaskMPEG to backup DVDs to AVI - that process frequently required 30+ hours (on the then state of the art computers) to get an inferior backup, and FlaskMPEG was one of the most popular apps around.

        With that said, using DVD Decrypter takes longer, but may be prefered if you don't want Shrink to constantly access your DVD drive. You should also check your DVD Shrink settings, as some settings (like turning on "Adaptive error compression") can max out your encoding time. You can also turn off "perform deep analysis" to save time, but at the expense of quality. And the encoding time also depends on the DVD you are backing up - a 8 GB DVD will take a long time, whereby a 4 GB DVD probably won't even require DVD Shrink as it can fit onto a single blank DVD-R without any shrinking. This is why removing stuff from the DVD is better than shrinking, as it keeps the original quality and saves time.
        Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


        • ToddKidder
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2004
          • 8

          I am trying without using Decryptor, and that is saving a little time (I guess).

          Why do you guys insist that downloading movies from the net is illegal. That is rediculous. There are scores of websites that allow you to legally download and burn movies. Just do a search.
          It is completely legal, and they also encourage sharing. They charge anywhere from .99 unlimited on up.

          I know it may not be ethical, but it is legal.... at least for now.

          Thanks for the thoughts. I think that too many of us get a thrill out of being able to accomplish something.... at any cost. Even if it means a stupid way to spend our time (there is that word again).

          And yea I was around..... I have been building computers for over 20 years. I just thought back then that it was retarded then to spend so much time..... for as you so well put it, "inferior" (to say the least) quality trash (IMO) video results.

          I was hopeful that the time had come to be able to make the backups in a reasonable amount of time and effort. It looks like we are getting close. Too bad we are moving into HDVD, and all this is will likely have turned out to be a big waste of time.
          Last edited by ToddKidder; 30 Nov 2004, 07:32 PM.


          • charlypuss
            Super Member
            Super Member
            • Nov 2004
            • 246

            Hi toddkidder,

            I use a laptop, internal DVD reader, external DVD burner and only DVDshrink. I always re-author 'cos all I want is the main movie and not the rest of the dross. Normally takes around 40mins start to finish and it is all automatic once I hit the backup button. As all this runs in the background, I just get on with the other things I have to do on the computer or better still I go and have a drink...Strange thing about computers they will carry on doing their job when you aren't watching the screen.....Trust me I am NOT a doctor......
            If it ain't afloat .... It's sunk .... If it ain't broke.... leave it alone.... I was once indecisive....Now I'm not sure....

            I'm old enough to know better...BUT...too young to give a toss...


            • Floppy

              Nothing like a few insults to start the day uh???

              Toddkidder mate... Your the one that has got to be joking right??

              I can not believe that there are fools out there that would spend 3 hours to make a copy of a DVD
              If it takes you this long to make a backup then who is the fool???

              Or is actually stupid????

              Not anyone of us I dont think...


              • jami
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2004
                • 7

                I really have to agree with Floppy.It takes only small amount of time to copy a movie if you're smart enough.And was that about downloading movies over the net? OF COURSE IT IS ILLEGAL!!Have you ever heard of the word "Copyright" lately.We only copy the movies to enrich our DVD library and keep the copies to ourselves.We don't sell them.Oh,by the way you should watch your mouth when you're reffering to "Fools".


                • Floppy

                  There are some downloads over the net there are legal as long as that is payed for.... its the unpaid siblings that are illegal...


                  • ToddKidder
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 8

                    Lets do this....

                    Instead of agreeing with me (in a very round about way), why don't you post the steps you take to burn a DVD movie.

                    Include Analysis, encoding, and burn time, etc..

                    As for downloading movies legally. Just do a search. You are wrong. It is quite legal. For a small fee .99 and up you can legally download a movie. It is unfortunate that the general public at large has the same misconception as many of you.

                    No one said anything about "stealing" a movie off the net.

                    Here are some links for the lazy:

                    One of a thousand or so legitimate sites to download movies from


                    You guys assume too much. No one said STEAL a movie off the internet.

                    Anywho.... by all means enlighten me with your step by step proceedure for burning your backups in less than 2 hours.

                    Let me give you a movie assignment. Try "Open Range". Now go.... and report back to me the time that it took you. Don't forget to list your steps and time involved. I know you had fun.... but this is strictly for discovering the "time" you spent having all that fun.

                    Thanks for the replies
                    Last edited by admin; 6 Dec 2004, 12:20 PM.


                    • charlypuss
                      Super Member
                      Super Member
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 246

                      Ok.. Stick the DVD for backup in one drive.. Click open disk, that takes around 60 - 90 seconds. Disk dependant.... Click re-author (unless you really want all of the junk). Select "Main movie" ....Click backup... Check your options.. Click backup... All of that take around 60 seconds. Encoding and burning takes between 20 - 40 mins "movie dependant". My equipment is not state of the art. ( laptop +internal / external burner). Do I sit there and watch it encode and burn ? Of course I don't...
                      I just get on with the rest of my work, letters ect or watch TV / have a beer. ANYTHING other than looking at the ruddy screen for 40 mins (course if you are brain dead then thats another matter..). I do not use DVD decrypter, for no other reason than todate I have not had a need to use it.
                      For the record I have not agreed with you, not even in a round about way.. If you need to slag off DVDshrink, Which I hasten to add is free, Why do it here ? If you are unhappy with these programs the simple answer is DON'T use them...
                      If it ain't afloat .... It's sunk .... If it ain't broke.... leave it alone.... I was once indecisive....Now I'm not sure....

                      I'm old enough to know better...BUT...too young to give a toss...


                      • Floppy


                        No one as of yet agreed with u in a round about way.... or have I missed something??? Doont think so....

                        You first call us fools and stupid...

                        No apologies I heard yet for that....

                        Now you want us the "fools" and "stupid" people to show you what your doing wrong??? Better yet you want us to show you the way???

                        I hope there are bigger people out there than me mate, cause dam!!!

                        I for one dont assume anything, cause that is making an ass out of u and me...


                        • nwg
                          Left *****
                          • Jun 2003
                          • 5196

                          I wasn't going to reply but what the hell.

                          I only rip with Decrypter so I can use the files to do different backups (full disc, menu but no extras, film only). Encoding from the hard disk is also les strain on the dvd drive and is quicker.

                          I fyou do film only backups using reauthor sometimes no re-encoding is required. If the video is kept at 100% then re-rencoding to take out audio/subs can takes just minutes.

                          On my System (Athlon XP 2000)

                          Rip with Decrypter - 10-15 minutes.
                          Deep Analysis - 25 minutes
                          Encode with Shrink - Anywhere from 20 minutes to 2+ hours. It depends on the quality setting used / not used.
                          Burning - 30 minutes at 2x, 25 minutes at 2,4x, 15 minutes at 4x and 8 minutes at 8x.

                          The quickest I have had is 80 minutes including rip with Decrypter and deep analysis.

                          Deep analysis or the AEC quality settings are not needed for less than 5% compression. 10% compression can be done with just deep analysis. Use AEC when only using 30%+ compression.


                          • ToddKidder
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 8


                            Your not listening. What was your assignment?

                            Lets try again.

                            If you use DVD Shrink to reauthor for burning only the MAIN movie file, and then start backup.... you will then be greeted with the encoder screen.... and then eventually your disk will be in the burn process.

                            Once again.... using only DVD Shrink... lets have you burn "Open Range". Then come back and tell me your time to burn.

                            And no I did not call you a fool, or an idiot....

                            Or did I? Better read the posts. If the comment applies to you, then I guess.... it does?


                            • nwg
                              Left *****
                              • Jun 2003
                              • 5196

                              Re: Your kidding right?

                              I was trying to help.

                              One of your questions was this below and was actually the reason for posting in the first place.

                              I am not bothering anymore and I dealt anyone will as well.

                              Originally posted by ToddKidder
                              Can someone give me a REAL solution that they have found to be reasonable as far as time spent. Please list your favorite method for backing up DVD's and burning to disk.

                              Also state the time it takes you to use your favorite method.

