Someone was able to decrypt a copy protected dvd movie(Super-size-me) to my hard drive. It plays very well off the hard drive. How can I copy or burn these files so they will work on a dvd-rw? I have CloneDvD, Anydvd, DvDShrink, and DvdDEcrypter. I am a novice and have no information on what steps to use, or which programs? I think I have enough software to get this done, but any help would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you very much.
Someone was able to decrypt a copy protected dvd movie(Super-size-me) to my hard drive. It plays very well off the hard drive. How can I copy or burn these files so they will work on a dvd-rw? I have CloneDvD, Anydvd, DvDShrink, and DvdDEcrypter. I am a novice and have no information on what steps to use, or which programs? I think I have enough software to get this done, but any help would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you very much.