No Playback - tried everything - need expertise

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  • rtmb25
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2005
    • 11

    No Playback - tried everything - need expertise


    I have bought a Samsung TS-H552B which I have successfully installed on my IBM Thinkpad T41 by use of a USB/IDE cable.

    I have burnt two dvd's to two TDK DVD-R disks and can play the one done by Nero back on the DVD burner but on no other DVD player. The DVD burnt by DVDshrink I have not been able to playback on any player including the one I burnt it on.

    It says in the Samsung manual to only burn using Nero, which meant I had to decrypt the DVD first then compress then burn - a lengthy process but the burn was successful. The problem is it only plays on the burner...

    Anyone have any idea of what I'm doing wrong here?

    Need help ASAP. Thanks
  • jmet
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2002
    • 8697

    What brand and model is your DVD player?


    • jeanl
      Digital Video Specialist
      Digital Video Specialist
      • Nov 2004
      • 865

      You need to check at least the following:
      - Can your DVD player play DVD-R? Not all can.
      - Is your media good quality? Can you check with better discs?

      A couple PgcEdit guides
      MenuShrink can shrink your menus to 5-10% of their original size.


      • rtmb25
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2005
        • 11

        The DVD player on the IBM T41 plays DVD-R - it plays my other burns from friends of -R. The disks are TDK - be bizarre for them to be at fault.

        I'm wondering if there's a setting in Nero I need to look at changing?


        • jeanl
          Digital Video Specialist
          Digital Video Specialist
          • Nov 2004
          • 865

          This is puzzling. I think your next step is to check for errors on the disk. There are ways to do that (to see if your burn is simply faulty). Look for posts on this forum.
          Also, when you burned with shrink, did you try to mount the ISO file on your PC (with deamontools for example) and play that in your software player? If you were not able to play even that, then the ISO created by shrink would be faulty, which could point to a problem in your original DVD?


          P.S. Last I checked, there were no settings for burning in nero, except for burning speed (which you could try lowering).
          A couple PgcEdit guides
          MenuShrink can shrink your menus to 5-10% of their original size.


          • rtmb25
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2005
            • 11

            Yes - mounted it to a fake F dvd drive and it plays - so have tried with two dvd's (originals) and dvdshrink one failed to even play in the burner. can you link me to the dvd disk error checkers?


            • jeanl
              Digital Video Specialist
              Digital Video Specialist
              • Nov 2004
              • 865

              Ok so the ISO image is good.
              Quoting from another post here
              "Agree... dvdinfopro ( is good for testing burns. It has a read test that cycles through the written sectors on the disc."

              Also, try burning DVD-RWs until you figure out your problem, it'll save you quite a few coasters.

              A couple PgcEdit guides
              MenuShrink can shrink your menus to 5-10% of their original size.


              • jeanl
                Digital Video Specialist
                Digital Video Specialist
                • Nov 2004
                • 865

                Of course, I'm assuming that DVDDecrypter does not complain during the burning process right?
                You could also connect your burner to another PC and see if you have more luck that way. If you do, then there's something fishy in your laptot/drive connection.
                Is your PC very busy during the burning? Do you have underrun problems?

                A couple PgcEdit guides
                MenuShrink can shrink your menus to 5-10% of their original size.


                • rtmb25
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Jan 2005
                  • 11

                  no problems on burning - all seems fine until the playback... could it be an issue linking the IDE to the laptop via a USB? the laptop reports no issues with the connection


                  • rtmb25
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 11

                    ok... used DVD info with the following results when playing in the burner... when playing in the normal DVDc player in the IBM it said cannot read MID codes on media! any clue:

                    Media Information
                    Disc Regions are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
                    Media code/Manufacturer ID TTG02
                    Format Type UDF 1.02
                    Volume Name COMPRESSED
                    Application id
                    Implementation id AHEAD Nero
                    Recording Date/Time (mm/dd/yyyy) 1/21/2005 16:21:39
                    Format Capacity 4.10GB(4.40GB)
                    Book Type DVD-R
                    Media Type DVD-R
                    Manufacturer Rated Speed Unknown
                    Available Write Descriptor CAV 8.0x 11080KBps
                    Available Write Descriptor CAV 6.0x 8310KBps
                    Available Write Descriptor CLV 4.0x 5540KBps
                    Available Write Descriptor CLV 2.0x 2770KBps
                    Write Strategy Speed 4.0x 5540KBps
                    2x Speed OPC beta 09
                    2x Speed OPC power 0A
                    2x Write Strategy field 1 15 98 89 90
                    2x Write Strategy field 2 88 80 00 00 00 00
                    4x Speed OPC beta 05
                    4x Speed OPC power 15
                    4x Write Strategy field 1 0C 0E 09 04
                    4x Write Strategy field 2 96 05 0B 0B
                    4x Write Strategy field 3 80 00 00 00
                    4x Speed OPC beta multi-pulse 09
                    4x Speed OPC power multi-pulse 18
                    4x Write Strategy field 4 14 97 88 85
                    4x Write Strategy field 5 B8 9A B8 83 00 30
                    4x Write Strategy field 6 00 00 D0 00 00
                    Data area starting sector 30000h
                    Data area end sector 20CAFFh
                    Linear Density 0.267um/bit
                    Track Density 0.74um/track
                    Number of Layers 1

                    Complete Media Code
                    00000000 00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 85 0D 0C .l...@....R.....
                    00000010 87 89 90 00 03 54 54 47 30 32 00 00 04 00 00 00 .....TTG02......
                    00000020 00 00 00 00 05 BA A3 22 32 20 02 00 06 09 0A 15 ......."2 ......


                    • jeanl
                      Digital Video Specialist
                      Digital Video Specialist
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 865

                      I can't help you with this, I've never used this disk checking program, but look if it can do a burning test for you.
                      ALso, even though your media is TDK, it could still be faulty. YOu really need to try another brand, try to borrow from a friend, see if you get similar results.
                      Sorry I can't help more.
                      A couple PgcEdit guides
                      MenuShrink can shrink your menus to 5-10% of their original size.


                      • rtmb25
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Jan 2005
                        • 11

                        like this problem?


                        • ghaleous
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Jan 2005
                          • 5

                          sounds alot like what we're discussing a few threads up...

                          if you get it working m8, let us know, but so far problems with this TS-H552B keep cropping up. it's crazy cause it'll burn all kinds of stuff great for me, no errors, but nothing burnt will work outside the burner itself. if i make any headway, i'll post it here too


                          • rtmb25
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Jan 2005
                            • 11

                            Hey there. It looks like a media fussiness. I was able to replay a CD copied onto TDK CD so I'm off out to buy some more discs just as soon as Samsung representatives get back to me on which ones... I read somewhere that datawrite greys fujifilm02 and datasafewhite cmcmagae1 were ok - but not sure if these are even disc types.

                            i have e mailed some guy who had this burner and had it working well to see what discs he used. it may just be that. ) let me know if you know on any discs that work

