Any advice?? I am pretty new to backing up DVD's. Every so often I will attempt to back up a DVD and it will get about 10 to 15% through the analysis and then it will freeze up. Is there any advice on how to make this NOT happen? Or is this some sort of protection feature on newer DVD's?
Back up "Issues"
broncokid, welcome to the forums! try reading some of the links in the FAQ index. - -
Thank you for the suggestion. I have found the exact title I was previousley unable to "back up" and am (so far) having a lot better luck. I used the DVD Decrypter to clean it up and then DVD Shrink to shrink it down to DVD size. So far so good, I am about 30% through the "Shrinking" and will advise to my results. Thank you for the warm welcome, so many times I have used forums only to be treated like a complete idiot. Not so here. THank you again!Comment
SUCCESS! I Installed the DVD Decrypter and then ran that. fte that I ran Shrink and then burned with Nero. I also poked around some of the other links you supplied and was able to increase the quality be converting "Extras" to still images. Beautiful! It was Resident Evil 2 and it works like a champion! would and more than likely suggest this forum to everyone I know that does "Backups" on a regular basis.
Thank you!Comment