Who makes my new drive????

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  • terrapin24h
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 32

    Who makes my new drive????

    Hi all--
    Long story here, so keep with me

    Last friday i purchased the following:

    New Toy

    I needed a monitor, and my current desktop at home is just a piii 667, and being as that im not that into gaming, i thought it'd be a decent pc for what i do at home. After using for a couple hours, i blew it away(as is my custom) and reinstalled a nice fresh copy of XP. Got all the drivers etc and everything is grand. well almost...

    I've burned a couple dvd's with it(data and a backup via shrink) and compared to my external pioneer 108 connected to my piii machine, i have to say this writer is a little goofy(for one it's slower, but the buffer activity was much more erratic than with the pioneer- the discs worked fine though). I went looking for a firmware update on compaq's site, and guess what? not there. Hp's site, nada. In fact, niether site lists it as a model, no matter how i searched for it. Anybody know where I can find who makes it? The model on the front of the drive and on the case is a HP dvdwriter 540i--it's got the new light scribe labeling capability- which i don't know if i like or not(the discs seem pricey to me) Overall though it seems like a nice machine, with my fx5200 card in it it plays wolfenstein and battlefield 1942 like the dickens Anyway, i'd appreciate any info you all could tell me about the drive. Thanks!
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Open the Device Manager in the Control Panel to determine the make and model number...


    • terrapin24h
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 32

      setarip, it(dev mgr) says that it's an HP DVDWriter 540b. That's it, which is what's puzzled me so. Do you think HP actually made the thing? It is one of the few drives that has lightscribe ability. Lacie, iirc is the only other manufact to offer them at this time, think they make it? HP from i can tell(www.lightscribe.com) was the first.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        To determine the capabilities/limitations of your DVD burner, as well as media compatibility (and, perhaps, firmware updates), go to:


        • terrapin24h
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 32

          Sorry, should have mentioned i already looked there too, they don't have any info on it either, the 530, sure the 600 series, yup, but not the 540i/b. It's like it doesn't exist. Thanks for the suggestions though. Looks like i might have to hope HP gets it on thier website at some point


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            Since the 530i is manufactured by "LiteOn", you could speculate that yours is also. Try contacting the "LiteOn" website - perhaps you'll get a pleasant surprise...

            "Thanks for the suggestions though."

            My pleasure ;>}

            "Looks like i might have to hope HP gets it on thier website at some point"

            Good luck!

