at first :my english isn´t so good,sorry.
If it is possible to write in German , please let me know.
I got a Pioneer A05 since 2 Years.
I got a Panasonic S75 as a StandAlone.
I usually used Ritek G04 DVD-R for burning.
My Panasonic got a defect and was repaired by Panasonic. The Laser unit was changed.
Now i git the Problem that older DVD-R don´t work anymore. In Fact if I try to read them in my Burner there is on some DVD´s a CRC-Error(?).
And my newest Riteks seems to have a Production Error. Some of them are working, some do not
Any Idea ?? Anyone the same Probs with these media?
Is it possible that the Laserunit killed my older DVD-R´s ?
Thanx for Info
at first :my english isn´t so good,sorry.
If it is possible to write in German , please let me know.
I got a Pioneer A05 since 2 Years.
I got a Panasonic S75 as a StandAlone.
I usually used Ritek G04 DVD-R for burning.
My Panasonic got a defect and was repaired by Panasonic. The Laser unit was changed.
Now i git the Problem that older DVD-R don´t work anymore. In Fact if I try to read them in my Burner there is on some DVD´s a CRC-Error(?).
And my newest Riteks seems to have a Production Error. Some of them are working, some do not

Any Idea ?? Anyone the same Probs with these media?
Is it possible that the Laserunit killed my older DVD-R´s ?
Thanx for Info