My burner is a Samsung TS-H552B... It should work with this media...
Backup stucks sometimes / bad quality
I had the same problem with frames freezing and went through a big ordeal findind the solution. I wont go into a lot of links and details be will tell you just this
Use only Maxell-r and TDK-r they have a 98% good burn rate.
I went from 3 out of 5 burns bad - to 1 out of 50 bad.
I burn over 100 dvd a month.
I use mainly maxell-r - I get them form office depot when they run sales(two 50 packs for 38$ and such)
If anyone wants my sources just ask.
I hope I can help as many people as I can with this as it has caused be great pain.
some day all dvds will burn the same but now there is a big differece with brands unlike cd-r's which all all pretty much the same.Comment