No speed when burning

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  • pete33
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2005
    • 5

    No speed when burning

    Can´t burn more than 2x. I can choose to burn in 8x but when dvd decryper (latest ver) starts, the devicememory is going up and down.

    The burnproof kicks in and lower the speed to 2x

    I´m using nec 16x dvd-burner and an 8x cerified dvd-disc that is certified by nec.

    I´m using ultra dma 133 on all disk and also on the burner. I have checked it!

  • Experi-Mentor
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Nov 2004
    • 1456

    welcome to the forum

    is your burner set as "master" ?
    how much mem do you have ?
    which other progs are running during the process ?


    • pete33
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2005
      • 5

      mem: 512 MB, No other programs is running.
      Did a reinstall of win xp. Ata 133 drivers where installed.

      But the burner is slave under primary master. The image is on a drive that is on a secondary master.

      I´ll try to set the burner as secondary master....I´ll be back to tell how it be continued.


      • Experi-Mentor
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Nov 2004
        • 1456

        try it this way :

        prim/master = hdd1
        prim/slave = hdd2

        2ndry/master = burner
        2ndry/slave = rom/reader (if you have it)

        don't forget to set the jumpers correctly


        • pete33
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2005
          • 5

          It didnt work

          The jumpers where correctly installed and all devices was found in bios.
          But no luck.

          The burner cant burn faster than 2x. If i try in 4x, the devicememory goes up and down every second and the speed slows down.
          The burner is nec 16x
          The computer: amd semperon 3000+ memory 512MB, win xp sp2.
          The harddrivecables are ultra dma133.

          Tried this:

          hdd 0: LBA dma5 (pri master)
          hdd 1: LBA dma5 (pri slave)
          dvd 2: dma2 (sec master)
          hdd 3: LBA dma6 (sec slave)

          Also tried with: hdd pri-master and dvd sec master with no luck.
          Anyone got an solution?


          • Experi-Mentor
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Nov 2004
            • 1456

            The burner cant burn faster than 2x
            what's the speed rating of the blank/s ?

            have you tried to have "only" the burner on the 2ndy as "master", & "without" any other drive connected as the slave ?

            a virus/adware scan wouln't be a bad idea, & close all other unwanted progs during ripping/burning


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              You're safer burning at 2X anyway...

              If you have more questions, always feel free to ask them...

              Some people can't see the forest for the trees. Most times, simple is better;>}


              • pete33
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Jun 2005
                • 5

                No speed over 2x when burning

                Still no luck

                Well the discs is 8x and supported by nec. Tried with other discs to!
                The burner is sec master and the image is on pri master.

                * Reinstalled xp with sp2 and ultra dma 133 drivers.

                * Even buyed a new promise ultra 133 pci card, but no luck

                * also buyed a new burner, no luck.

                * The cables are 133, tried with other cables, no luck here.

                * The computer is very slow when burning, all cpu goes to nero or dvd decrypter. Same result with both programs.

                * Am i the only one in this world that has this problem?


                • jm1647
                  An Eagles Fan, A MenuShrinker
                  • Apr 2005
                  • 3661

                  How big is your pagefile (virtual memory) and if you moved it to another drive besides c:, a little still has to be on c:


                  • pete33
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Jun 2005
                    • 5


                    My viritual memory is 766Mb and is located on drive c:\.

