I've been DVD burning for a couple of years now, but last month I decided to upgrade my 2x burner to a new NEC 16X Dual Layer, model #ND3540a. My problem is playback on at least one DVD player - in the car. Through trial and error, I have pinpointed the exact disc that I started having problems with playback, and it was the first disc I burned with the new burner. I changed nothing - using DVD Shrink and Nero just liked I've used hundreds (literally) of times before. Unfortunately, the movies that play in the car are for my son, such as Lilo & Stitch 2, Robots, and Madagascar. They play fine on two different players at home, but once they go into the car, I get a read error message every time. I've noticed that under the burner properties, there is no region chosen, and the driver version is 5.1.2535.0. I am going to select Region 1 right now since I am in the middle of another burn - shrinking right now. Hopefully this solves it - doubtful. I have a 2004 Acura MDX that has played everything up to this point.
Any Help?!?
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Any Help?!?
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