here's why, the disk did great, considering it's age until 4200MB.
Why not burn a full disk?
Hey, What's the ID?Beauty is in the eye of the Beer-Holder.
I'm in shape. ROUND is a shape. - George Carlin
How to choose an HDTV, Step by Step -
I have scanned lot of disks, this last week, if your firmware in the scanner doesn't support the MID then it won't report it.
For example my nec sees the mids for MB(India) same for LG, Benq won't.
I have culled over 80 burns this week.
the LG says it's a princo!Comment
OK. I think I have some princo's. I'll have to check it out. Are you getting CRC errors at the end?Beauty is in the eye of the Beer-Holder.
I'm in shape. ROUND is a shape. - George Carlin
How to choose an HDTV, Step by StepComment
IMHO I am sorry guys but I think it comes down to the luck of the draw and when you hit a snag with media you just have to move on to the next one.That doesn't mean that you don't buy the best you can for your project.4200 though chewy I have Shrink set at 4460.I might have to rethink that.