but what do you think Chewy? your opion count I gave away most of my verbatim even the one with the new pioneer I will give away too
Best disc for storing data?
I put more trust in yours and my scans and the poll at cdfreaks than that website, my last batch of verbatim had about 5 bad blanks in it ranging from disks that scanned 50 when burned to others that were bitsett and wouldn't play(but scanned a 95?)
Before that I had 2 small batches that were excelentComment
a weak 3rd and 4th
@ night -verbatim is a show for scanning I had a few that scan really good but 6 months later it show less then 50% quality
doesn't sound good...
regards, katzComment
Some of the old verb I was burn with 1620, Nec 3550 and even with Plex so the final result now it is still from the verb itself, I think it will be here on thursday I will try out both new benq 55 and the Pioneer
I will try to buy more Bneq 40 tomorow or wed when I check CompUSA
Kat, I just swap them out now one buy one to TY or YD after they hit below 90Last edited by NightTran; 15 Aug 2006, 12:35 PM.sigpicComment
I have several older verbs that scan low, they have been handled some and
since I didn't scan when they were burned, they probably would have been
70-80QS when new. Verbatim had a lot of quality control problems when they
started outsourcing their manufacturing but they are good grade A media now. Some studies have shown verbatims to do better in longevity than
TY. Really a crap shoot.Comment
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